G14-08 形容詞子句進階篇(V): 準關代as, than, but
準關代一、 as
1. 先行詞前面有出現as, such或the same時, 這時候把準關代as想成關代who(m), which或that,並應用形容詞子句的基本概念,就很好理解該句話的意思囉~
E.g.1: We should read such books (as make us better). 「我們應該讀會讓我們更好的書。」
E.g.2: He is as great a hero (as ever lived). 「他是自古以來最偉大的英雄。」
E.g.3: This is the same book (as I bought last week). 「這和我上週買的是同款書。」(用準關代as, 表示同款不同本)
比較:This is the same book (that I I bought last week). 「這就是我上週買的書,一模一樣。」(用關代that, 表示不只同款還是同一本呢)
2. G14-04 形容詞子句進階篇(I): 主格型跟受格型關代不可換成that的四大狀況有談到關代不用that的狀況三:用which指稱前面整件事情。其實這個which也可以替代成as.
(1) which子句只能放在句尾,但as子句可放句尾,句中或句首。
(2) as子句中如果主要動詞是beV, 該beV有時可省略。
E.g.1: Smoking is bad for health, which everyone knows.
=Smoking is bad for health, as everyone knows.
= As everyone knows, smoking is bad for health.
「如大家所知,抽菸對健康不好。」 (as子句放句尾或句首)
The theory revolutionized the way scientists approached the concept of relativity in the early 20th century, which is well-known.
=The theory, as is well-known, revolutionized the way scientists approached the concept of relativity in the early 20th century.
Her determination helped her overcome numerous challenges, which is often the case with someone resilient.
= Her determination, as is often the case with someone resilient, helped her overcome numerous challenges. (as子句放句中)
E.g.4: Dozens of people were injured in this car accident, which was reported earlier.
= Dozens of people were injured in this car accident, as (was) reported earlier.
= As (was) reported earlier, dozens of people were injured in the car accident.