G4 常用句型

G4-007【英文轉折語】但是、然而、可是英文怎麼用?but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless一次學會

【英文轉折語】但是、然而、可是英文怎麼用?but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless一次學會




大家剛接觸英文時就會學到but「但是」這個對等連接詞(何謂對等連接詞? 詳見G26系列文章)


為了增加句子變化,可以把它換成用來表達「但是」「然而」或「可是」這類意思的副詞,這類副詞就三個字:however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless.

這三個字有什麼不一樣呢?真要分的話,常用程度:however ⟩ nevertheless ⟩ nonetheless,而nevertheless跟nonetheless較however更為正式且語氣強烈.)


however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless如何連接句子

這三個副詞要如何用來連接兩個英文句子呢?既然它們是副詞,不是連接詞,用法上不能跟but一樣,直接連接兩個句子.如同我們在《G4-005【英文轉折語】一次弄懂而且 另外轉折語,英文寫作更加分!》有提到三種寫法,接下來我們用例子說明一下:


  • 使用but

E.g.: I would love to go to the party(,) but I have a lot of work to do today. 


  • 使用however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless

(1) 第一句話寫完後句點.寫出這些轉折語之一(記得第一個字母要大寫),寫完後逗點,再接第二個句子。

E.g.: I would love to go to the party. However/ Nevertheless/ Nonetheless, I have a lot of work to do today. 

(2) 第一句話寫完後逗點,加上but後再寫出這些轉折語之一,寫完後逗點,再接第二句話。

E.g.: I would love to go to the party
, but however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless, I have a lot of work to do today. 

(3) 第一句話寫完上分號(;),寫出這些轉折語之一,寫完後逗點,再接第二句話.(分號 「;」 =「 , but」)

E.g.: I would love to go to the party
; however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless, I have a lot of work to do today. 


I would love to go to the party, however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless, I have a lot of work to do today. (X)  


however/ nevertheless/ nontheless 除了放句首,還可以放句中或句尾



E.g.: This is an easy way to do it, but there are
, however, dangers. 

= This is an easy way to do it, but there are
(,) nevertheless/ nonetheless(,) dangers. 


E.g.: This is an easy way to do it, but there are dangers

= This is an easy way to do it, but there are dangers
nevertheless/ nonetheless


補充閱讀:​​不再搞混!but, however, nonetheless用法區別詳解!

提醒:however這副詞還有另外一個意思「不論多...」,等於no matter how, 後面可能會接個形容詞或副詞之後再接個副詞子句,不會像上面用法直接來個逗點就接個完整的英文句子唷,詳見G15系列文章

以上,however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless這三個副詞表達「但是」「然而」或「可是」的用法熟悉了嗎?如果熟悉了,可以用下面的題目來小試身手~


Exercises: 請用however, nevertheless或nonetheless來連接每題內的兩個句子,並置於第二句話的句首.要注意大小寫跟標點符號唷~

  1.  I really want to do more. I feel a bit tired. 

  2. Larry and Karen had a great time on their first date. Their happiness didn’t last long. 

  3. People in modern times indeed care a lot about their appearance. It is not just in modern times that people have been so obsessed by how they look that they are willing to threaten their health as a result. 
