G13 名詞子句

G13-03英文老師詳解第二款名詞子句 whether/ if 子句用法

英文老師詳解第二款名詞子句 whether/ if 子句用法

G13-02三款名詞子句怎麼分辨? 英文老師詳解 that 名詞子句用法》提到名詞子句分三款。第一款that + S + V,用於如果一個英文句子是肯定句或否定句,在前面加上that後就可將它變成名詞子句。其在另外一個英文句子中可以當主詞、 主詞補語、 受詞跟同位語用。


如果本來一個英文句子是Yes-No問句,就在前面加上whether或if, 並將該句子改成肯定句,就變出這第二款名詞子句了,俗稱whether/ if + S + V



閱讀小提醒:為了有利於分析句子,以下例句中的名詞子句皆用紅括弧()標出, 整個句子的主要動詞則是用底線標出。



此時只能用whether, 不能用if唷

E.g.1: (Whether he will attend the meeting) is still uncertain.  


  • 原本的Yes-No問句是 Will he attend the meeting?

E.g.2: (Whether the new policy would have a positive impact on the company's revenue) was a matter of debate among the executives. 



  • 原本的Yes-No問句:Would the new policy have a positive impact on the company’s revenue?



E.g.: It’s still uncertain (whether he will attend the meeting)

E.g.: It was a matter of debate among the executives (whether the new policy would have a positive impact on the company’s revenue)


whether/if名詞子句功用二、 當主詞補語用:放在be動詞後

衍生閱讀:何謂主詞補語?詳見G0-004五大句型:學好英文第一步 3分鐘搞懂英文五大句型

E.g.: The main issue at hand is (whether/ if we should invest more in expanding our product line).



  • 原本的Yes-No問句: Should we invest more in expanding our product line?


E.g.: The teacher's question was (whether/ if the students had completed their assignments on time and understood the material presented in class).



  • 原本的Yes-No問句:Had the students completed their assignments on time and understood the material presented in class?


whether/if名詞子句功用三、 當受詞用




E.g.1: I don’t really care (whether/ if he agrees with me)

  • 這名詞子句當care的受詞。原本的Yes-No問句:Does he agree with me? 注意換成肯定句後,agree後面要加s, 因為這子句本身是用現在簡單式,且主詞是三單


E.g.2: I asked my boss (whether/ if I could take a few days off next week to attend my cousin's wedding).



  • 這名詞子句當ask的受詞。原本的Yes-No問句:Could I take a few days off next week to attend my cousin’s wedding?


E.g.3: I'm wondering (whether/ if it would be possible to reschedule our meeting for a later date), as I have a conflict in my schedule.



  • 這名詞子句當wonder的受詞。原本的Yes-No問句:Would it be possible to reschedule our meeting for a later date?



E.g.1: This latest scandal has raised doubts about (whether this candidate could win the election).



  • 這名詞子句當介係詞about的受詞用。原本的Yes-NO問句: Could this candidate win the election?


E.g.2: Despite the uncertainty of (whether they will be accepted), many students apply to prestigious universities every year.



  • 這名詞子句當介係詞of的受詞用。原本的Yes-No問句:Will they be accepted?

上面例句看得出來,如果放在介係詞後面,whether是不換成if的, 但有少數動詞 +介係詞的用法,其後面的whether子句在口語上可以換成if,例如depend on 「取決於...」

E.g.: The question of (whether we will have a successful project) depends on (whether/if we can meet our deadlines and stay within budget).



  • 第一個whether子句在某個介係詞後面,不換成if。原本的Yes-No問句:Will we have a successful project?

  • 第二個whether子句接在depend on這動詞片語後面,嚴格來說,因為放在介係詞on後面,這whether是不能換成if的,但口語上...depend on if…也是會聽到,就當作是這規則的特例囉。btw, 原本的Yes-No問句:Can we meet our deadlines and stay within budget?


名詞子句 whether/if 功用四、特殊用法

還有一種情況,是whether/if + S + V 常出現在某些形容詞或名詞後面。但這種情況無法歸類為把這名詞子句當主詞、 主詞補語或是受詞用。日光英文只好將之歸類為第二款名詞子句的特殊用法囉。建議可以當作常用片語背。(該片語就是整個底線標出的地方)

E.g.1: I am not sure (whether/if I am pronouncing the word correctly

  • 原本的Yes-No問句:Am I pronouncing the word correctly?


E.g.2: We are not certain (whether/ if it is really worth making a great effort to get it done)



  • 原本的Yes-No問句:Is it really worth making a great effort to get it done?

​​​​​​E.g.3: We have no idea (whether/if the plan will succeed or not)


  • 原本的Yes-No問句:Will the plan succeed?

or not放在哪裡?

whether/ if + S + V這款名詞子句也常看到加 “or not,” 其位置有三種,用上述出現過的例句表示如下:

E.g.: I don’t really care (whether or not he agrees with me)

= I don’t really care (whether he agrees with me or not)

= I don’t really care (if he agrees with me or not)

注意使用whether時,可以是「whether or not + S + V」或「whether + S + V or not」。但使用if時,只能是「if + S + or not」


whether/ if + S + V小練習


熟悉第二款名詞子句whether/ if + S + V的結構及用法後,來點小練習,磨練自己的句子分析能力吧。

Exercises: 以下每題都有使用到whether/ if + S + V子句,請將其括弧出來,說明其用法,回推其原本的Yes-No問句,並找出每題英文句子的主詞跟主要動詞。

Example: (Whether he will come to the party or not) is still uncertain. 





Will he come to the party?


Whether he will come to the party or not



  1. Whether the kids had already finished their homework before going to bed concerned the mother. 





  1. She is considering if she should take a gap year before starting college.





  1. The success of the project depends on whether the team can effectively collaborate and communicate with each other, whether they can meet the strict deadline imposed by the client, and whether the budget will be sufficient to cover all necessary expenses. 










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