G0 基本觀念





接著《G0-006【英文複數】學習英文必懂的可數名詞複數規則變化與發音一次學》談到了可數名詞的單複數用法及複數型規則變化與發音,G0-007【英文複數】複數原來不只是加 s or es ?可數名詞複數不規則變化與單複數同型一次學會》學了可數名詞複數的不規則變化,另外還有單複數同型的狀況。《G0-008【英文複數】可數名詞為什麼有些恆為複數?只要結尾有s就一定是可數名詞?》談到有些可數名詞恆用複數型,還有字尾是s讓人以為是複數型其實是不可數用法的名詞。

接下來這篇文章要一次搞定另外一個常讓人傻傻搞不清楚的名詞概念: 集合名詞(collective nouns)。





一 、可當單數也可當複數用的集合名詞



舉family [家/ 家人]這字為例。

E.g.1: My family is big. [我家是大家庭。] 


E.g.2: Seven families live in the building. 


E.g.3: My family are happy. [我的家人很開心。]


E.g.4: My family live/ lives in Taipei. [我家(人)住台北。]


這類用法的集合名詞,除了family,還包括下面18個單字~ (以下例子大多取自朗文字典)


  • government (nC) 政府

    E.g.: The government is/are planning to increase taxes. [政府正計畫要加稅。]

  • company (nC) 公司
        E.g.: The company makes/ make machine parts. [這家公司做機器零件]
  • audience (nC) 觀眾

    E.g.: The audience was/ were cheering and shouting. [觀眾正在歡呼大喊。]

  • committee (nC) 委員會

    E.g.: The management committee meets/ meet regularly. [管理委員會定期開會。]

  • council (nC) 議會

    E.g.: The Scottish Arts Council has awarded grants totalling over £30,000. 



    E.g.: The council say that shutters are not the answer. 



  • team (nC) 小組

    E.g.: Our team is/ are winning.  [我們組正在贏。]

  • class (nC) 班級

    E.g.: The class was/ were working on some maths problems. 


  • band (nC) 樂團

    E.g.: The band has/ have made a video. 


  • army (nC) 軍隊 

    E.g.: The army has/ have taken control of the country. 


  • couple (nC) 情侶 夫妻
         E.g.: An elderly couple was sitting on the park bench. 

         E.g.: An elderly couple live next door. 「一對老夫妻住隔壁
  • cadre (nC) 骨幹 幹部
         E.g.: A new cadre of leaders has/have emerged.  「新的領導幹部出現了
  • the media (n) 媒體

    E.g.: The media is/ are controlled by the government. 


  • the press (n) 媒體
         E.g.: The press does/ do not always report the whole story.  


  • the public (n) 大眾

         E.g.: The British public is/ are not really interested in this issue. 


  • the military (n) 軍隊
          E.g.: The military is/ are helping with the relief effort. 

  • the/this (young) generation (n) (年輕)世代

         E.g.: This generation has/ have grown up using Internet technology. 


  • the youth (n) 年輕人

         E.g.: The youth of the country is/are being ignored by politicians. 


  • staff (nC) 員工 *這個字的單數不可說a staff, 要說a staff member

    E.g.: The museum’s staff is composed of volunteers. 

    [博物館員工是由志工組成的。] 這句話是把staff視為整體,故當單數使用)

    E.g.: The staff are against the idea. [員工們都反對這想法。]


補充閱讀: Collective nouns 集合名詞用法小竅門 | 與BBC一起學英語 (rti.org.tw)


二、 恆當複數用的集合名詞: 

  • (the) police [警方]

    E.g.: The police are investigating the case.   [警方正在調查這案子。]

    提醒:如果要說一個警察,要用a police officer或是a policeman/ a policewoman. 

  • personnel (n) [人員]

    E.g.: Security personnel have become more thorough in checking passengers’ bags. 



    E.g.: A copy should then be sent to Personnel for our files. 


  • the + adj. 表達某特定族群,如the rich/ wealthy (n) 有錢人, the poor (n) 窮人

         E.g.: The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. 


  • cattle (n) 牛

    E.g.: These cattle are being fattened up for slaughter. (此句取自劍橋字典)


  • paparazzi (n) 狗仔隊
       E.g.: The paparazzi were waiting outside the celebrity's house, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.






Exercises: 請填入正確的動詞變化,有些題目可能有兩個答案. (以下題目來自於劍橋字典

1. The public ________ (have) a right to know this. (現在簡單式)

2. The government _______ (be) expected to announce its/ their tax proposals today. (現在簡單式)

3. Service personnel ______ (be) subject to the Official Secrets Act. (現在簡單式)

4. The audience ________(be) clearly delighted with the performance. (過去簡單式)

5. The committee ______ (be) composed of MPs, doctors, academics and members of the public. (現在簡單式)


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