數量形容詞系列一: few, a few, little, a little怎麼用?
英文中有一些形容詞單字或片語用來描述數量,故有個名稱將它們統稱為「數量形容詞」,而這些數量形容詞中又以few, a few, little, a little這四個最常設計為選擇題選項來考倒大家。寫英文句子時,也是常見的用法錯誤。今天就用這篇文章來一次搞定這四個常見的數量形容詞吧!
數量形容詞 - few, little
表達「幾乎沒有、很少」: few + 可數複數名詞, little + 不可數名詞
E.g.1: Few people attended the meeting, so it ended early.
E.g.2: Few animals can survive in such extreme conditions.
E.g. 3: There's little hope of finishing the project by tomorrow.
E.g.4: There's little water left in the bottle; we should refill it.
數量形容詞 - a few, a little
表達「一些」:a few + 可數複數名詞, a little + 不可數名詞
E.g.1: I have a few friends coming over for dinner tonight.
E.g.2: She bought a few books at the bookstore today.
E.g. 3: Could you add a little sugar to my tea, please?
E.g.4: I need a little more time to complete the task.
提醒:這四個數量形容詞,後面接上of後,本身就可以變成名詞使用.來看看例句觀察一下吧~當然,few of跟a few of後面還是接複數可數名詞,而little of跟a little of後面接單數不可數名詞. E.g.1: Few of the students finished the assignment on time. 「這些學生很少準時完成作業的.」 E.g.2: A few of my friends are coming over for dinner tonight. 「我有一些朋友今晚要過來吃晚餐.」 E.g.3: Little of the information provided was useful for the project. 「提供的資訊裡很少是對這專案有用的.」 E.g.4: He spread a little of the butter on his toast before eating. 「他吃之前,抹了一些這奶油在他吐司上.」 |
目前為止,這四個數量形容詞單字或片語:few, a few, little, a little的意思及用法差別已經完整解釋完畢囉~搞清楚了是否就覺得很簡單了呢?
「幾乎沒有、 很少」 |
「一些」 |
接可數複數名詞 |
few |
a few |
接不可數名詞 |
little |
a little |
1. ______ students understood the complicated concept in class, so the teacher had to explain it again.
(A) Few (B) A few (C) Little (D) A little
2. There's ______ hope of finishing the project on time without help; we have to ask for help immediately.
(A) few (B) a few (C) little (D) a little
3. I have ________ extra tickets if you want to join us.
(A) few (B) a few (C) little (D) a little
4. Can you spare ________ time to review my work?
(A) few (B) a few (C) little (D) a little
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