G21 特定動詞用法

G21-06情緒動詞介紹與實際案例全解析 - 反面情緒動詞分享

情緒動詞介紹與實際案例全解析 - 反面情緒動詞分享

G21-05情緒動詞句型介紹與實際案例全解析 - 正面或中性情緒動詞分享》已經詳細解釋過情緒動詞三大句型,並介紹了20個意思偏正面或中性的情緒動詞,本文打鐵趁熱,繼續往下介紹意思偏反面的情緒動詞,共20個.



  1. A +情緒動詞 + B

  2. A + beV + 情緒動詞Ving + to B (* 情緒動詞Ving是種現在分詞,修飾A)

  3. B + beV + 情緒動詞pp. + 介係詞 + A (* 情緒動詞pp.是種過去分詞,修飾B)


情緒動詞#1 bore (v) 使...無聊

He bored the guests at the party. 「他讓派對上的客人覺得無聊.」

He was boring to the guests at the party. 「他對派對上的客人來說是無聊的.」

  • boring (adj.) 令人覺得無聊的, 這邊修飾人「他」(不是事物唷!)

= The guests at the party were bored by/ at/ with him. 「派對上的客人對他感到無聊.」

  • bored (adj.) 覺得無聊的,這邊修飾人「客人」

情緒動詞#2 confuse (v) 使...困惑

The diagrams confuse me. 「這些圖表使我困惑.」

= The diagrams are confusing to me.  「這些圖表對我來說是令人困惑的.」

  • confusing (adj.) 令人困惑的,這邊修飾事物「圖表」

= I am confused by/ about the diagrams. 「我對這些圖表感到很困惑.」

  • confused (adj.) 覺得困惑的,這邊修飾人「我」

情緒動詞#3 puzzle (v) 使...迷惑

The existence of black holes has puzzled astronomers for long. 


= The existence of black holes has been puzzling to astronomers for long.


  • puzzling (adj.) 令人迷惑的,這邊修飾事物「黑洞的存在」 

= Astronomers have been puzzled by/ at/ about/ as to the existence of black holes for long.  


  • puzzled (adj.) 感到迷惑的,這邊修飾人「天文學家」

情緒動詞#4 disappoint (v) 使...失望

Our kids sometimes disappoint us. 「有時我們的孩子會令我們失望.」

= Our kids are sometimes disappointing to us. 「有時我們的孩子對我們來說是令人失望的.」

  • disappointing (adj.) 令人失望的,這邊修飾人「孩子」(不是事物唷!)

= We are disappointed in/ with our kids. (A為人時,介係詞用in/ with)


  • disappointed (adj.) 感到失望的,這邊修飾人「我們」

The jury’s verdict disappointed the girl’s parents


= The jury’s verdict was disappointing to the girl’s parents


  • disappointing (adj.) 令人失望的,這邊修飾事物「判決」

= The girl’s parents were disappointed by/ at/ about/ with the jury’s verdict. (A為事物時,介係詞用by/ with/ at/ about)


  • disappointed (adj.) 感到失望的,這邊修飾人「父母親」

情緒動詞#5 trouble (v) 使...煩擾

These allegations have troubled the politician. 「這些指控讓這政客很煩擾.」

= These allegations have been troubling to the politician. 「這些指控對這政客來說是令人煩擾的.」

  • troubling (adj.) 令人煩擾的,這邊修飾事物「指控」

= The politician has been troubled by/ at these allegations. 「這政客對這些指控感到煩擾.」

  • troubled (adj.) 感到煩擾的,這邊修飾人「政客」

情緒動#6 worry (v) 使...擔心

Climate change has worried many scientists. 「氣候變遷已經讓很多科學家擔心.」

= Climate change has been worrying to many scientists


  • worrying (adj.) 令人擔心的,這邊修飾事物「氣候變遷」

= Many scientists have been worried about climate change

  • worried (adj.) 覺得擔心的,這邊修飾人「科學家」

 注意:Many scientists have worried about climate change. 也可以.詳見G12-04

情緒動詞#7 concern (v) 使...擔心

Issues like food additives concern me. 「像食品添加物等議題使我擔心.」
= Issues like food additives are concerning to me. 「像食品添加物等議題對我來說是令人擔心的.」

* concerning (adj.) 令人擔心的,這邊修飾物「議題」.但它另外有介係詞的用法,取「關於」之意
= I am concerned about issues like additives. 「我擔心像食品添加物等議題.」

* concerned (adj.) 感到擔心的,這邊修飾人「我」.

情緒動詞#8 embarrass (v) 使...尷尬

You embarassed me! 「你讓我尷尬!」

= You were embarrassing to me! 「對我來說,你令人尷尬!」

  • embarrassing (adj.) 令人尷尬的,這邊修飾人「你」(不是事物囉~)

= I am embarrassed for you! (A為人時,介係詞用for)


  • embarrassed (adj.) 感到尷尬的,這邊修飾人「我」

Did my little dance embarrass you? 「我小跳一段舞有使你尷尬嗎?」

= Was my little dance embarrassing to you? 「我小跳一段舞對你來說令人尷尬的嗎?」

  • embarrassing (adj.) 令人尷尬的,這邊修飾事物「跳舞」

= Were you embarassed by/ at/ about my little dance?

A為事物時,介係詞用by/ at/ about)


  • embarrassed (adj.) 感到尷尬的,這邊修飾人「你」

情緒動詞#9 shock (v) 使...震驚

The news of his death shocked all his family and friends


= The news of his death was shocking to all his family and friends


  • shocking (adj.) 令人震驚的,這邊修飾事物「消息」

= All his family and friends were shocked by/ at the news of his death

  • shocked (adj.) 感到震驚的,這邊修飾人「親友」

情緒動詞#10 annoy (v) 使...惱怒

The crying baby has annoyed some people in the cafe


= The crying baby has been annoying to some people in the cafe


  • annoying (adj.) 令人惱怒的,這邊修飾人「嬰兒」(不是事物唷!)

= Some people in the cafe have been annoyed at/ with the crying baby

A為人時,介係詞用at/ with)


  • annoyed (adj.) 感到惱怒的,這邊修飾人「有些人」

Won’t his constant chatter annoy his wife?


= Won’t his constant chatter be annoying to his wife?


  • annoying (adj.) 令人惱怒的,這邊修飾事物「喋喋不休」

= Won’t his wife be annoyed by/ at/ about his constant chatter?

A為事物時,介係詞用by/ at/ about)


  • annoyed (adj.) 感到惱怒的,這邊修飾人「他老婆」

情緒動詞#11 irritate (v) 使...惱怒

His snoring always irritates his wife. 「他打鼾總是使他老婆惱怒.」

= His snoring is always irritating to his wife.  「他的打鼾對他老婆來說總是令人惱怒的.」

  • irritating (adj.) 令人惱怒的,這邊修飾事物「打鼾」

= His wife is always irritated by/ at/ about/ with his snoring


  • irritated (adj.) 感到惱怒的,這邊修飾人「他老婆」

情緒動詞#12 exhaust (v) 使...筋疲力盡

A full day’s teaching has exhausted the lecturer. 「一整天教書已經讓這講師筋疲力盡.」

= A full day’s teaching has been exhausting to the lecturer. 「一整天教書對這講師來說是令人筋疲力盡的.」

  • exhausting (adj.) 令人筋疲力盡的,這邊修飾事物「教書」

= The lecturer has been exhausted by/from a full day’s teaching


  • exhausted (adj.) 感到筋疲力盡,這邊修飾人「講師」

情緒動詞#13 tire (v) 使...疲累

The long journey didn’t tire the traveler. 「這長途旅行沒有讓這旅行家疲累.」

= The long journey was not tiring to the traveler


  • tiring (adj.) 令人疲累的,這邊修飾事物「旅行」

= The traveler was not tired from the long journey


  • tired (adj.) 感到疲累的,這邊修飾人「旅行家」

tire (v) 使...厭煩

Watching TV all day has tired them. 「整天看電視使他們厭煩.」

= Watching TV all day has been tiring to them. 「整天看電視對他們來說是令人厭煩的.」

  • tiring (adj.) 令人厭煩的,這邊修飾事物「看電視」

= They have been tired of watching TV all day. 「他們對於整天看電視感到厭煩.」

  • tired (adj.) 感到厭煩的,這邊修飾人「他們」

情緒動詞#14 frustrate (v) 使...沮喪

The frequent traffic delays have frustrated many passengers


= The frequent traffic delays have been frustrating to many passengers


  • frustrating (adj.) 令人沮喪的,這邊修飾事物「交通延誤」

= Many passengers have been frustrated by/ at/ with the frequent traffic delays. 


  • frustrated (adj.) 感到沮喪的,這邊修飾人「乘客」.

情緒動詞#15 depress (v) 使...沮喪

Did the thought of taking the exam again depress him?


= Was the thought of taking the exam again depressing to him?


  • depressing (adj.) 令人沮喪的,這邊修飾事物「想法」

= Was he depressed by/ about/ at the thought of taking the exam again?

(剛好這邊A是the thought of, 故介係詞可搭at, 不然以by/ about為主)


  • depressed (adj.) 感到沮喪的,這邊修飾人「他」

情緒動詞#16 distress (v) 使...極度沮喪

Her parents’ divorce depressed her a lot. 「她父母離異使她極度沮喪.」

= Her parents’ divorce was very depressing to her. 「她父母離異對她來說是令人極度沮喪的.」

  • depressing (adj.) 令人極度沮喪的,這邊修飾事物「離異」

= She was greatly distressed by/ at her parents’ divorce.  「她對她父母的離異感到極度沮喪.」

  • depressed (adj.) 感到極度沮喪的,這邊修飾人「她」

情緒動詞#17 frighten (v) 使...害怕

The anger in his eyes frightened her. 「他眼中的怒氣使她害怕.」

= The anger in his eyes was frightening to her. 「他眼中的怒氣對她來說是令人害怕的.」

  • frightening (adj.) 令人害怕的,這邊修飾事物「怒氣」

= She was frightened by/ at/ about the anger in his eyes

(這邊是指某個單一情況,較常使用by/ at/ about這幾個介係詞.)


  • frightened (adj.) 感到害怕的,這邊修飾人「她」

Spiders frighten many peopple. 「蜘蛛讓很多人害怕.」

= Spiders are frightening to many people. 「蜘蛛對很多人來說是令人害怕的.」

  • frightening (adj.) 令人害怕的,這邊修飾事物「蜘蛛」

= Many people are frightend of spiders



  • frightened (adj.) 感到害怕的,這邊修飾人「很多人」

情緒動詞#18 terrify (v) 使...害怕

Speaking in public terrifies me. 「在大眾面前演講使我害怕.」

= Speaking in public is terrifying to me. 「在大眾面前演講對我來說是令人害怕的.」

  • terrifying (adj.) 令人害怕的,這邊修飾事物「演講」

= I am terrified at/ of speaking in public. 「我對於在大眾面前演講感到害怕.」 

  • terrified (adj.) 感到害怕的,這邊修飾人「我」

情緒動詞#19 scare (v) 使...害怕

Does meeting new people scare you? 「認識新的人會使你害怕嗎?」

= Is meeting new people scary to you? 「認識新的人對你來說是令人害怕的嗎?」

  • scary (adj.) 令人害怕的,這邊修飾事物「認識新的人」(不是scaring唷~很特別)

= Are you scared of/ about meeting new people

(如果A是the thought of開頭的名詞,介係詞還可用at)


  • scared (adj.) 感到害怕的,這邊修飾人「你」

情緒動詞#20 horrify (v) 使...震驚且害怕

The amount of pollution in the lake horrified the nearby residents


= The amount of pollution in the lake was horrifying to the nearby residents


  • horrifying (adj.) 令人震驚且害怕的,這邊修飾事物 「污染量」

= The nearby residents were horrified by/ at the amount of pollution in the lake.


  • horrified (adj.) 感到震驚且害怕的,這邊修飾人「居民」

情緒動詞#21 devastate  (v) 使...震驚且傷心

The news of her death devastated Ken


The news of her death was devastating to Ken

  • devastating (adj.) 令人震驚且傷心的,修飾事物「消息」
= Ken was devastated by the news of her death

  • devastated (adj.) 感到震驚且傷心的,修飾人


  1. be bored by/ at/ with    (人)對...感到無聊

  1. be confused by/ about   (人)對...感到困惑

  1. be puzzled by/ at/ about/ as to    (人)對...感到迷惑

  1. be disappointed in/ with 人     (人)對某人感到失望

be disappointed by/ at/ about/ with  事物  (人)對某事物感到失望

  1. be troubled by/ at     (人)對...感到煩擾

  1. be worried about    (人)對...感到擔心

    7. be concerned about   (人)對...感到擔心

   8. be embarrassed for 人    (人)對某人感到尷尬

be embarrassed by/ at/ about  事物  (人)對某事物感到尷尬

   9. be shocked by/ at     (人)對...感到震驚

  10. be annoyed at/ with 人    (人)對某人感到惱怒

be annoyed by/ at/ about 事物   (人)對某事物感到惱怒

  11. be irritated by/ at/ about/ with     (人)對...感到惱怒

  12. be exhausted by/ from   (人)對...感到筋疲力盡

  13. be tired from   (人)對...感到疲累

     be tired of       (人)對...感到厭煩

  14. be frustrated by/ at/ with   (人) 對...感到挫折

  15. be depressed by/ about  (人)對...感到沮喪

        be depressed at the thought of…

  16. be distressed by/ at    (人) 對...感到極度沮喪

  17. be frightened by/ at/ about    (人) 對...感到害怕(單一事件)

        be frightened of   (人) 對...感到害怕(常常發生的情況)

  18. be terrified at/ of    (人) 對...感到害怕

  19. be scared of/ about    (人) 對...感到害怕

        be scared at the thought of…

  20. be horrified by/at    (人) 對...感到震驚且害怕

  21. be devastated by (人)對...感到震驚且傷心

備註:以上介係詞用法係參考朗文、 劍橋及OZDIC線上搭配詞字典

衍生閱讀:關於情緒動詞三大句型詳細解說跟「正面或中性情緒篇」,詳見 《G21-05情緒動詞句型介紹與實際案例全解析 - 正面或中性情緒動詞分享






  1. Have the actions of the government disappointed you?

  2. The thought of being in court frightened the old lady. 

  3. Her husband’s yelling didn’t terrify her. 

  4. The teacher’s explanation confused the students. 

  5. Will his stupid question annoy the lecturer?
