G23-08 數量形容詞系列一: few, a few, little, a little怎麼用?中學到few「幾乎沒有、 很少」跟a few 「一些」後面要接可數名詞,那除了它們之外,還有哪些數量形容詞的單字或片語後面也只能接可數名詞呢?本篇文章日光英文將與大家分享其他只可接可數名詞的數量形容詞,趕快來瞧瞧吧~
一、 表達「每一」: every, each + 單數可數名詞
E.g.1: Every employee must attend the meeting.
「每一個員工都要出席會議。」 (這裡暗指出席會議這規定適用於整體員工,才會說每個員工都要出席。)
E.g.2: Each employee is given a different task.
注意:each也可當名詞或副詞使用 |
二、 表達「另外」: another + 單數可數名詞/複數可數名詞
E.g.1: I’m going to have another cup of coffee.
E.g.2: We need another 10 chairs for the meeting.
注意:another也可以當名詞用 |
三、表達「兩者」both + 複數可數名詞
表達「兩者之一」either + 單數可數名詞
表達「兩者皆不」neither + 單數可數名詞
E.g.2: He sat in the back of the car with a policeman on either side.
E.g.3: We asked both Jack and Joe, but neither one could offer a satisfactory explanation.
注意1: both, either和neither本身也可當名詞用 |
注意2: both of, either of 跟neither of 後面則是都要接可數複數名詞, 此時的both, either跟neither本身也是當名詞用,不是形容詞唷。 |
四、 表達「其他」:other + 複數可數名詞
但如果前面還加上其他形容詞,變成some other…, the other…, any other…等時,就要參考G23-11的解釋囉。
E.g.: Do you envy other people who seem to manage their lives better?
注意:others才是名詞用法(=other + 複數可數名詞) |
五、 表達「好幾個」: several, a number of + 複數可數名詞
E.g.1: We have been to Japan several times.
E.g.2: A number of volunteers helped clean up the park last weekend.
注意1:several也可以當名詞用 |
注意2:a small number of 意思就變成「少數幾個」囉 |
注意3: 如果是片語the number of,其後面也是接複數可數名詞,但意思變成「...的數量」,是表達一個單數名詞的概念囉。什麼意思?兩個例句來比較一下就知道。 |
六、 表達「一些」: a few, 表達「幾乎沒有」few +複數可數名詞
這兩個數量形容詞用法詳見G23-08 數量形容詞系列一: few, a few, little, a little怎麼用?, 這邊就列個例句複習一下囉
E.g.1: Only a few people attended the meeting, but those who did had much to contribute.
E.g.2: Few students were prepared for the unexpected exam.
七、 表達「很多」: many, quite a few, a large/great/significant number of +複數可數名詞
E.g.1: He has lived in France for many years.
E.g.2: Quite a few people attended the event despite the rainy weather.
E.g.3: A large number of tourists visit the city every year to see its famous landmarks
E.g.4: A great number of books were donated to the library after the charity drive.
E.g.5: A significant number of employees expressed concerns about the new company policies.
中文意思 |
數量形容詞 |
每一個 |
every + 單數可數名詞 each + 單數可數名詞 |
另外一個 |
another + 單數可數名詞 |
兩者 兩者皆不 |
both + 複數可數名詞 |
其他 |
other + 複數可數名詞 |
少數幾個 |
a small number of + 複數可數名詞 |
幾乎沒有、 很少 |
few + 複數可數名詞 |
好幾個、一些 |
several + 複數可數名詞 a few + 複數可數名詞 a number of + 複數可數名詞 (整個視為複數名詞)
很多 |
many + 複數可數名詞 quite a few + 複數可數名詞 a large/ great/ significant number of + 複數可數名詞 |
1. ______ student must fill out this form to enroll in the following semester.
(A) Every (B) Several (C) A number of (D) A few
2. According to recent market research, ______ customers in urban areas prefer a new model over an old one.
(A) another (B) many (C) each (D) neither
3. ______ female employees in this company are part-time workers.
(A) A great number of (B) The number of (C) Another (D) Either
4. Softa Drinks was disappointed that ______ people turned up at the product launch party.
(A) quite a few (B) a little (C) other (D) few
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