G4 常用句型

G4-008【英文轉折語】on/to the contrary, on the other hand, in/by comparison, in/by contrast怎麼用?

【英文轉折語】on/to the contrary, on the other hand, in/by comparison, in/by contrast怎麼用?


寫英文作文或是用英文口語表達自己意見時,常有可能用到on/to the contrary, on the other hand, in/by comparison或是in/by contrast這類片語




on/to the contrary 「恰恰相反」

on/to the contrary主要用在針對某件事情,要表達和前面句子相反的意見或事實時使用


以下我們用劍橋字典的例句更深入解析.寫法上,on the contrary都是擺句首。

E.g.1: ​​"I thought you said the film was exciting?" "On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it!" 


說明:針對某部電影,on the contrary這邊用來反駁前面對方說「這電影刺激好看」的想法,並表示其實覺得很無聊.它擺句首.

E.g.2: Experts predicted the economy would collapse, but, to the contrary, it continues to do extremely well.


說明:針對經濟前景,to the contrary這邊用來反駁前面專家預測「經濟崩盤」的想法.並表示其實經濟很好.它擺在but後面這句話的句首。

衍生用法:Contrary to + N(通常是表達想法或意見的字), S + V…

E.g.1: ​​Contrary to all our expectations, he found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend. 「和我們所有人的期待恰恰相反,他找到了待遇好的工作,還有很棒的女朋友」


E.g.2: Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t dye my hair!




on the other hand 「另一方面」

on the other hand 使用時也是聚焦在某件事情上.前面常會搭配 on (the) one hand 「一方面」出現,但也可能單獨使用

想像一個人伸出兩隻手,要表達一方面怎樣,另一方面又怎樣的情景.它是用來討論一件事情從不同角度切入有哪些不同的看法或事實, 而這些不同的看法或事實會一好一壞或一正一反

寫法上,on the other hand這片語可以擺句首或句中.



On (the) one hand,  I’d like to eat out in a fancy restaurant. On the other hand, I should save more money. 

= On (the) one hand, I’d like to eat out in a fancy restaurant, but on the other hand, I should save more money. 

= On (the) one hand, I’d like to eat out in a fancy restaurant; on the other hand, I should save more money. 


說明:這位說話者「我」針對「如何花錢」這件事,一個想法是想花大錢去高級餐廳享受一下,而另一個想法是省下來.這兩個想法一正一反.on the other hand擺在它接下來要接的那句話的句首。

E.g.2: Nuclear power is relatively cheap and efficient. On the other hand, it’s not safe. 

= Nuclear power is relatively cheap and efficient, but on the other hand, it’s not safe. 

= Nuclear power is relatively cheap and efficient; on the other hand, it’s not safe. 


說明:這句話聚焦在「使用核能」這件事.角度之一是它相對便宜,發電效率又高.另一個角度則是它不安全.這兩個角度一好一壞.on the other hand擺在它接下來要接的那句話的句首。

E.g.3: The hamburger was overcooked. The fries, on the other hand, were terrific and worth the money. 


說明:從語意推敲,這句話背後有個前提,是聚焦在「某頓速食餐好不好吃」這件事情上.而針對這件事情可以提出的角度之一是漢堡難吃,角度之二是薯條好吃,兩個意見一正一反.on the other hand擺在它要接的那句話的句中,前後有逗點隔開。

E.g.4: People from different cultures manage money in different ways. For example, Americans like to spend money. Chinese people, on the other hand, prefer to save money.  

說明:從第一句話知道這段文字聚焦在「人類的理財觀」上,事實之一是美國人愛花錢,事實之二是中國人愛存錢,而這兩個事實一正一反.on the other hand擺在它要接的那句話的句中,前後有逗點隔開。

補充影片:​​On the one hand, on the other hand - English grammar


in/ by comparison 「相比之下」
前面兩個片語是聚焦在同一件事情上,而in/ by comparison這個片語則是用來比較兩個人或事物,指出兩者不同之處

E.g.1: The hamburger was overcooked. In/By comparison, the fries were terrific and worth the money. 


說明:這次不是聚焦在「某頓速食餐好不好吃」這件事,而是重點放在把漢堡跟薯條拿來做比較,並說出兩者間的差異.In/By comparison放句首。

E.g.2: Americans and Chinese people behave differently in many ways. For example, Americans like to spend money. In/By comparison, Chinese people prefer to save money. 

說明:這次不是針對「人類的理財觀」這件事提出兩個事實,而是要比較美國人跟中國人這兩群人的差異性,故使用In/By comparison,而不是on the other hand.In/By comparison放句首。

E.g.3: After months of living in a tropical country like the Philippines, Spain seemed cool in/by comparison. 「在菲律賓這樣的熱帶國家住過幾個月後,西班牙似乎相比之下算涼快。」

說明:兩個拿來比較的事物是「菲律賓氣候」vs.  「西班牙氣候」.in/by comparison擺句尾。

衍生用法一:in comparison to/with + Nby comparison with +N.可用在句首或句尾,來點朗文跟劍橋字典的例句熟悉一下吧~

E.g.1: In comparison to other recent video games, this one isn’t very exciting. 「和其他最近的電動比起來,這一個不是很刺激。」

說明:這兩個比較的事物是「其他最近的電動」vs. 「這個電動」.此片語放句首

E.g.2: The family emigrated to New Zealand in 1949, which seemed a wonderland in comparison with post-war England.


說明:這兩個比較的事物是「1949年的紐西蘭」vs. 「二戰後的英國」.此片語放句尾。

衍生用法二:動詞片語 pale in comparison with + N 「和...比起來相形見絀」.劍橋字典的例句如下:

E.g.: I thought I was badly treated but my experiences pale in comparison with yours. 「我以為我的待遇很糟了,但我的經驗跟你的比起來相形見絀。」



in/by contrast 「對比之下」

這片語也是使用在比較兩個人或事物時,但不像in/by comparison這片語僅是點出兩者間的差異,in/by contrast會強調其差異之處對比強烈,語氣比較強烈


E.g.1: The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased. 


說明:這邊是強烈對比「較年長女性的生育率」vs. 「青少年媽媽的生育數」.此片語放在but後面這句話的句首。

E.g.2: Their economy has expanded, while ours, by/in contrast, has declined.


說明:這邊是強烈對比「他們的經濟」vs. 「我們的經濟」.by/in contrast放在while後面這句話的句中。

衍生用法一: in (+ adj.) + contrast to + N  「對比於...」,可放在句首或句尾.

E.g.1: In contrast to Seldane, Claritin is still considered a very safe drug. 

「對比於Seldane, Claritin仍被視為非常安全的藥物。」 

說明:這邊是強烈對比兩種藥物 Seldane vs. Claritin. In contrast to放句首。

E.g.2: She’s fun and warm and amusing – in direct contrast to James.

「她有趣 溫暖又搞笑,和James形成直接對比。」

說明:這邊是強烈對比兩人 she vs. James. in direct contrast to放句尾。

衍生用法二:動詞片語be (in) + (a/an) (adj.) + contrast to + N或是stand in + (adj.) + contrast to + N ,表達「和...形成...的對比」

E.g.1: The winter heat wave in California is (in) a stark contrast to the below-freezing temperatures on the East Coast. 


說明:這邊是強烈對比「加州冬季熱浪」  vs. 「東岸零下低溫」.使用動詞片語be (in) a stark contrast to + N.

E.g.2: The approach to learning at this school stands in marked contrast to the traditional methods used at other schools nearby. 


說明:這邊是強烈對比「這間學校教法」  vs. 「附近其他學校傳統教法」.使用動詞片語stand in a marked contrast to + N



on/to the contrary, on the other hand, in/by comparison, in/by contrast 這四個片語最後用簡表整理一下重點:

on/to the contrary 「恰恰相反」用來針對某件事,反駁前面提過的看法並提出自己的觀點,放句首.

  • Contrary to + N, S + V…「和...恰恰相反, ~」

on the other hand 「另一方面」表達某件事的正反兩個論點,可放句首或句中.

in/by comparison 「相比之下」用來點出兩者間的差異,可放句首或句尾。

  • in/by comparison to + N和by comparison with + N  「和...相比之下」,可放句首或句尾

  • pale in comparison with + N 「和...比起來相形見絀」,動詞片語

in/by contrast 「對比之下」強烈表達兩者間的差異,可放句首或句中.

  • in (+adj.) + contrast to + N 「對比於...」,放句首或句尾

  • be (in) (a/ an) (+adj.) + contrast to + N或是stand in (+adj.) contrast to + N 「和...形成...的對比」,動詞片語


你真的分得清楚嗎?on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand 用法大解析!



Exercises: 請用on/to the contrary, on the other hand, in/by comparison, in/by contrast這些片語之一填到每一題的空格裡.每個片語限用一次

  1. I didn’t find the film exciting. _____________, I found it quite boring. 

  2. I know this job is well-paid, but _______________, I have to work long hours. 

  3. I’ve got two job offers. The first job is well-paid and I don’t have to work long hours. ______________, the second one is demanding and the salary is not that good. Apparently this first one is much better than the second one.  (這題有兩個答案,僅差別在語氣強烈與否,擇一填入即可)
