不定代名詞: one/ the other/ another 如何用清楚?
常有人問one…another…跟one…the other的意思都是「一個...另外一個....」但用法差在哪裡?表達的意思有不一樣嗎?其實有唷~可以整理出兩大情況共四種用法。怎麼說呢?我們一起來瞧瞧吧~
one/ the other/ another使用情況一:特定
1. 只有二個時:one…the other….
如果要描述的個體只有兩個,例如某人的父母, 某人的耳朵、 眼睛、 雙手或雙胞胎,抑或是某人只有兩個小孩等情境,就可套用這個句構。
E.g.1: One of his parents encourages him to pursue his passion, but the other suggests that he take a safer career path. He doesn’t know whose advice to follow.
E.g.2: He has two children: one is a talented musician, and the other is an aspiring athlete.
E.g.3: The twin sisters are quite different: one is outgoing and loves socializing, while the other is shy and prefers reading at home.
2. 只有三個時:one…another…the other…
E.g.1: In the classroom, the three students were busy with different tasks: one was solving a math question, another was drawing on paper, and the other was reading a book.
E.g.2: Among the three friends of mine, one decided to study abroad, another stayed home to run the family business, and the other pursued a career in the city.
E.g.3: The three researchers divided their work: one focused on collecting data, another analyzed the findings, and the other prepared the final report.
one/ the other/ another使用情況二:不特定
1. 只描述其中兩個:one…another…
E.g.1: In the park, many children are playing around. One child was flying a kite, and another was playing on the swings.
E.g.2: Kathy ate one piece of pizza, and it was so tasty that she had another.
E.g.3: I went hiking with some friends. During the hike, one friend stopped to take pictures, and another kept walking ahead to explore.
2. 只描述其中三個: one…another…(still) another...
E.g.1: At the library, one student was reading quietly, another was taking notes, and (still) another was searching for books on the shelves.
E.g.2: In the garden, one butterfly landed on a flower, another fluttered near a bush, and still) another hovered above the grass.
E.g.3: During the group discussion, one member shared their ideas, another asked thoughtful questions, and (still) another took notes to summarize the conversation.
one/ the other/ another這三個字如何正確使用呢?本篇文章列出了兩大情況共四種用法,整理如下:
用法 情況 |
只描述兩個 |
只描述三個 |
特定 (總數只有兩或三個) |
one…the other… |
one…another…the other… |
不特定 (總數有很多個) |
one… another… |
one…another…(still) another… |
1. There are three movie channels. ______ is playing a romance movie; ________ is playing an animation, and _______ is playing a thriller.
(A) one…another….another (B) one…the other…the other (C) one…another…the other (D) one…the other…another
2. He has a lot of friends who enjoy high social status. _____ is a surgeon, _______ is a college professor, and _________ is a lawyer.
(A) one…another….another (B) one…the other…the other (C) one…another…the other (D) one…the other…another
3. Both of my parents are teachers. ______ teaches English, and _______ teaches math.
(A) one…the other (B) one…other (C) one…another (D) one…the others
4. To say is ______ thing; to do is _________.
(A) one…the other (B) one…other (C) one…another (D) one…the others
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