G22 名詞(含代名詞)

G22-08不定代名詞 others/ the others 如何用清楚?

不定代名詞 others/ the others 如何用清楚?


G22-07不定代名詞: one/ the other/ another 如何用清楚?文中提到如果只有兩個時,用one…the other…句構,通常學生就會脫口問出:那the others怎麼用?而others又是用在什麼時候?本文就一次來說清楚何時會用others, 何時用the others。


others 跟 the others

首先要知道:others本身是個名詞(精準來說是代名詞)=other + 可數複數名詞,意思為「其他(東西)」。



但如果要表達這大群裡面的某些小群(們)如何如何, 而「其他所有」個體都屬於同一小群的話,會用到the others





some….some/others…. 「一些....其他一些....」

E.g.: Some travelers enjoy exploring busy cities, while some/others prefer quiet countryside retreats.


*這裡的others= other travelers



some…some…others… 「一些...一些...其他...」
= some…others…still others….「一些...其他...還有其他...」

E.g.: Some travelers like fancy hotels, some want exciting adventures, and others prefer relaxing on beaches.

= Some travelers like fancy hotels, others want exciting adventures, and still others prefer relaxing on beaches. 


*這裡的others=other travelers

說明:這邊一樣是用旅行者為例,全世界有很多群不同喜好的旅行者,而這邊只要說明其中的三群,故適合套用some…some…others…或some…others…still others的句構。



the others使用情況:表達「其他所有」個體都屬於同一小群

the others用法一:

one….the others 「一個....其他都...」

E.g.: One bird soared effortlessly on the wind currents, while the others remained perched on the branches, chirping restlessly.

*這邊的the others=the other birds


the others用法二:

one…another…the others 「一個... 另一個...而其他都...」

E.g.: One candle flickered brightly, another threatened to extinguish, but the others held steady, illuminating the solemn ceremony.


*這邊的the others=the other candles


the others用法三

some…the others 「一些...而其他都...」

E.g.: Some hikers paused to admire the breathtaking vista, while the others pushed onward, eager to reach the mountain's summit before sunset.


*這裡的the others=the other hikers





some….some/others…. 「一些....其他一些....」

some…some…others… 「一些...一些...其他...」

= some…others…still others….「一些...其他...還有其他...」

the others:表達「其他所有」個體都屬於同一小群

one….the others 「一個....其他都...」

one…another…the others 「一個... 另一個...而其他都...」

some…the others 表達「一些...而其他都...」



1. There are four students in the classroom. _____ is studying diligently, _________ is using the computer, and _______ are chatting noisily with each other. 

(A) one….the other….another     (B) one…another…the other  
(C)  one…another…the others      (D) one…another…others

2. Vivian has four pets. _____ is a cat, and _______ are all dogs. 

(A) some…some…. (B) one…others  
(C) one…the other  (D) one…the others

3. My classmates do different things in their free time. _______ play 
basketball and _______ watch streaming shows. 

(A) some…the others….   (B) some…others  
(C) one…the others (D) one…others

4. When I was studying in the USA, quite a few of my classmates were international students. _______ were from Asia, _______ were from Europe, and ______ came from Africa. 

(A) some…some…others     (B) some…others….the others  
(C) one….another….the others    (D) one…another…the others


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