英文中常需要表達[某人或組織]視[某人或事物]為如何,有幾個用字或片語可以使用,但有的要接as, 有的不接。
「….把A視為B」 S + see + A as B take regard view think of look upon |
「….把A視為B」 S + think A + (to be) B believe consider |
例如,我們表達以下這句話的意思:[很多人視伊隆 馬斯克(Elon Musk)是大膽的創業家。]
Many people see Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people take Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people regard Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people view Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people perceive Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people think of Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people look upon Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people refer to Elon Musk as a bold entrepreneur.
* refer to A as B 這片語的本意為「把A(用特定的說法來)指稱為B」,上面例句符合這樣的意思,故可和表格裡的其他單字或片語通用,但不是每句話都能如此通用,仍要看語意而定.
Many people think Elon Musk (to be) a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people believe Elon Musk (to be) a bold entrepreneur.
= Many people consider Elon Musk (to be) a bold entrepreneur.
以上的句子都是主動態,把裡面的受詞Elon Musk拉出來擺在句首當主詞用,就可以換成被動態囉 (關於被動態基本用法詳見G12系列文章)
Elon Musk is seen as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is taken as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is regarded as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is viewed as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is perceived as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is thought of as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is looked upon as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is referred to as a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
Elon Musk is thought (to be) a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is believed (to be) a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
= Elon Musk is considered (to be) a bold entrepreneur (by many people).
- by many people訊息不太清楚,故在此被動態句中可省略
1. My classmates ______ Maggie ___ a girl with whom we can get along.
(A) consider…as (B) look for…as (C) think of…as (D) regard…to be
2. Most scientists _______ the greenhouse effect _____ one of the reasons for global warming.
(A) see…as (B) think…as (C) look upon…X (D) believe…as
3. Many senior high school students _______ English ____ very important.
(A) consider…X (B) think about…as (C) see….to be (D) regard…to be
4. Most people ________ lions and tigers _________ dangerous wild animals.
(A) take…as (B) think…as (C) consider…as (D) look on…as
5. Taipei is____________ the most modern city in Taiwan.
(A) believed as (B) viewed as (C) thought as (D) regarded to
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