G32-01【假設語氣】假設語氣衍生用法篇 - 「要不是...」
G15-05【副詞子句】 表條件的副詞子句之假設語氣篇(I)/G15-06【副詞子句】 表條件的副詞子句之假設語氣篇(II)清楚說明了假設語氣的五大句構,包含一個混合版句構,總共六個.熟悉之後,就可以來學習相關的假設語氣衍生用法囉~其中一種假設語氣衍生用法就是表達「要不是....」,可分為兩種句構來談~
一、 假設與過去事實相反的情況
先複習一下,G15-05【副詞子句】 表條件的副詞子句之假設語氣篇(I)有提到「與過去事實相反的假設語氣」公式為:
If + S + had + pp…., S + would/could/should/might + have + pp…
套用上面的公式,只是這次if子句中的主詞一定要設定為it, 後面動詞設定好是「be for + N」改成過去完成式寫法,主要句子寫法不變.故變成...
If it had not been for + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + have + pp.. |
Had it not been for + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + have + pp… |
另外,Had it not been for又可以簡化成But for, 甚至是Without.故上述公式又可以變成...
But for + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + have + pp… = Without + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + have + pp… |
E.g.1: 當初要不是有他叔叔幫忙,他的公司當時就破產了
If it had not been for his uncle’s help, his company would have gone bankrupt.
= Had it not been for his uncle’s help, his company would have gone bankrupt.
= But for his uncle’s help, his company would have gone bankrupt.
= Without his uncle’s help, his company would have gone bankrupt.
E.g.2: 當初要不是當時我老師的及時建議,我就無法進入好大學了。
If it had not been for my teacher’s timely advice, I couldn’t have entered a good university.
= Had it not been for my teacher’s timely advice, I couldn’t have entered a good university.
= But for my teacher’s timely advice, I couldn’t have entered a good university.
= Without my teacher's timely advice, I couldn’t have entered a good university.
二、 假設與現在事實相反的情況
先複習一下,G15-05【副詞子句】 表條件的副詞子句之假設語氣篇(I)有提到「與現在事實相反的假設語氣」公式為:
If + S + Ved…., S + would/could/should/might + Vr…
套用上面的公式,一樣這次if子句中的主詞一定要設定為it, 後面動詞設定好是「be for + N」改成過去簡單式寫法(記得遇到beV, 一律要變成were嗎?),而主要句子寫法不變.故變成...
If it were not for + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + Vr.. |
Were it not for + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + Vr… |
另外,Were it not for又可以簡化成But for, 甚至是Without.故上述公式又可以變成...
But for + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + Vr… = Without + N, S + would/ could/ should/ might + Vr… |
E.g.1: 要不是他借我的錢,我可能就無家可歸了。
If it were not for the money he lent me, I might be homeless.
= Were it not for the money he lent me, I might be homeless.
= But for the money he lent me, I might be homeless.
= Without the money he lent me, I might be homeless.
E.g.2: 要不是她聰明的計畫,我們也沒辦法成功達成目標。
If it were not for her clever plan, we wouldn’t achieve our goal successfully.
= Were it not for her clever plan, we wouldn’t achieve our goal successfully.
= But for her clever plan, we wouldn’t achieve our goal successfully.
= Without her clever plan, we wouldn’t achieve our goal successfully.
提醒1:此類句構開頭片語的結尾為介系詞for, 不然就單純一個介係詞without,故後面一定要名詞類的單字或片語.換言之,如果中文意思看似是個動作,例如「他叔叔幫忙」,不可寫成句子His uncle helped, 要將此意思名詞化,轉變成his uncle’s help.
提醒2: 這兩種情況的句構開頭片語都可以簡化成But for或是Without,那考試時或是閱讀英文句子時,要怎麼知道它是要表達與過去還是現在事實相反情況的「要不是」呢?很簡單,觀察主要句子的結構囉~
如果是would/ could/ should/ might + have + pp.→ 與過去事實相反
如果是would/ could/ should/ might + Vr. → 與現在事實相反
假設語氣衍生用法 -「要不是...」總結
一、 假設與過去事實相反的情況 |
二、 假設與現在事實相反的情況 |
練習題: 請在空格中填入適當的動詞變化
_______ (Be) it not for a retirement pension, he __________ (starve)
If it ___________ (not be for) your early warning, our lives would have been in danger at that time.
_____ it ___________ (not be for) the timely rain, all the crops might have died.
But for the storm, all the summer camp activities we arranged last year __________________ (take) place as scheduled.
_______ his timely intervention, I would have lost a lot of money. (政大110年英文)
(A) But (B) But for (C) For (D) For all
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