G4 常用句型

G4-005【英文轉折語】一次弄懂而且 另外轉折語,英文寫作更加分!



大家剛接觸英文時就會學到and「和」這個對等連接詞(何謂對等連接詞? 詳見G26系列文章)

但英文學久了,總覺得用and來連接兩個立場相同的論點句子太平凡了.為了增加句子變化,是可以把它換成一些用來表達「而且」、「此外」、 「另外」、「除此之外」這類意思轉折的副詞或副詞片語。




(less formal)


besides that, 

apart from this, (British English)

aside from this, (American English)

what’s more, 

  • besides, (後面的論點比較重要一點)
  • on top of that, (後面常會接不好的事情)






in addition (to that), 

what is more, 





比較不正式用法的例句說明: 較不正式的轉折語通常用在口語或是寫作上單字偏簡單的時候.我們來舉個例子,想像一下如果有人要口頭說明他接受某工作的原因有兩個時,就可以使用以下幾種方式...

  • 使用對等連接詞and

E.g.: I need the money(,) and doing this helps a lot of people. 


  • 使用上面表格裡的副詞或副詞片語...


E.g.: I need the money
. Also/ Besides that/ Apart from this/ Aside from this/ What’s more, doing this helps a lot of people. 


E.g.: I need the money
, and also/ besides that/ apart from this/ aside from this/ what’s more, doing this helps a lot of people. 

(3)第一句話寫完上分號(;),寫出這些轉折語之一,寫完後逗點,再接第二句話.(分號 「;」 =「 , and」)

E.g.: I need the money
; also/ besides that/ apart from this/ aside from this/ what’s more, doing this helps a lot of people.

  • 使用besides時,第二句話的論點會比第一句話的論點更重要一點.


I need the money
. Besides, doing this helps a lot of people. 

= I need the money
, and besides, doing this helps a lot of people. 

= I need the money
; besides, doing this helps a lot of people. 



E.g.: “I’m much too old for you,” he said, “and besides, I’m married.”


這句話聽起來是一位男士在拒絕一位女士的追求,字面上提出兩個理由沒錯,但言外之意是說「我太老了,不適合妳,即便我沒那麼老,但我結婚了這事實還是得讓我對你say no,因為這原因更重要~」


  • 使用on top of that時, 後面常會接不好的訊息,但不排除也可以和上面的轉折語互通.
E.g.: He lost his job. On top of that, his wife left him. 
     = He lost his job; on top of that, his wife left him. 
     = He lost his job, and on top of that, his wife left him. 
     = His wife left him on top of that he lost his job. 


  • 提醒一:besides, apart from, aside from這些單字或片語後面還可以直接接名詞,這種用法詳見《G4-006【英文轉折語】besides, except, apart from, aside from有什麼不一樣?
  • 提醒二:plus也能表達「而且」、「此外」之意,是非常口語的用法,而且標點符號使用也跟上面三種方式不太一樣.E.g.: He is really cute, plus he's got a good job. / He is really cute. Plus he's got a good job. 



  • 使用and

E.g.: Proficiency in English can significantly boost one’s job opportunities, and sufficient knowledge of English equips one with the tools to travel and communicate effectively. 


  • 使用上面表格裡的副詞或副詞片語


E.g.: Proficiency in English can significantly boost one’s job opportunities
. Furthermore/ Moreover/ Additionally/ In addition (to that)/ What is more, sufficient knowledge of English equips one with the tools to travel and communicate effectively. 

(2) 第一句話寫完逗點,加上and後再寫出這些轉折語之一,寫完後逗點,再接第二句話.

E.g.: Proficiency in English can significantly boost one’s job opportunities
and furthermore/ moreover/ additionally/ in addition (to that)/ what is more, sufficient knowledge of English equips one with the tools to travel and communicate effectively. 

(3)前一句話寫完分號(;),寫出這些轉折語之一,寫完後逗點,再接第二句話.(分號 「;」 =「 , and」)

E.g.: Proficiency in English can significantly boost one’s job opportunities
 furthermore/ moreover/ additionally/ in addition (to that)/ what is more, sufficient knowledge of English equips one with the tools to travel and communicate effectively. 

提醒:其中in addition to可以直接接名詞,這種用法詳見G4-006【英文轉折語】besides, except, apart from, aside from有什麼不一樣?文章

補充閱讀: 另外 / 除此之外/ 此外」的英文是?furthermore? in addition? – 英文庫

E.g.: I need the money, and doing so also helps a lot of people. 
    = I need the money. Doing so also helps a lot of people. 
E.g.: Politically,  moreover, he faces a split in his party. 「而且政治上來說,他面臨黨內分裂的狀況.」
E.g.: The monarch is, furthermore, more than merely a part of Parliament under the constitution of the United Kingdom. 「而且君王在英國憲法制度下不只是議會的一部分而已.」



以上把表達「而且」、「此外」、 「另外」、「除此之外」這類意思轉折的副詞或副詞片語做了很詳盡的說明,不但討論了放在句首跟句中時的使用,也點出了正式度差別、放在句首時三種牽涉到大小寫及標點符號的寫法,還有besides及on top of that傳達的細膩意思差異。最後,用一個簡表總結一下這12個表達和and同樣意思的轉折語.看看自己能不能一口氣都默背出來唷~能默背出來才能印象深刻


比較不正式的轉折語 (7個)


besides that, 

apart from this, 

aside from this,

what’s more,

  • besides,
  • on top of that,

比較正式的轉折語 (5個)




in addition (to that), 

what is more, 


Exercises: 請用上述的轉折語連接每題中的兩個句子.書寫時請注意標點符號及大小寫.

1. Social media helps people keep in touch with their old friends. This new form of communication allows people to connect with others all over the world who have similar interests. 

2. Exercise is good for our physical health. Our mental health can be improved because endorphins increase after exercise. 

3. The dust from Taipei 101’s fireworks contains toxins that can harm our lungs. The carbon dioxide released by the burning of fireworks causes the greenhouse effect. 
