worth, worthy, worthwhile怎麼用?一次學會 worth, worthy, worthwhile的用法
worth, worthy跟worthwhile這三個單字的意思都表「值得」,worth, worthy, worthwhile的用法又常讓人學得好像一樣,又好像有哪裡不一樣,使用時常讓人心生困惑。日光英文就決定一口氣,把這三個字怎麼用講清楚說明白囉~一起往下看
worth (n) 價值 重要性 (=value) |
E.g.: The new computer system has already proved its worth.
E.g.: The estimated worth of the plastics and petrochemical industry is about $640 billion.
1. 時間長度’s/ 金錢’s worth of something
E.g.: We had only three days’ worth of food left.
E.g.: The fire caused thousands of pounds’ worth of damage.
2. 具體金額 worth of something
E.g.: $4 million worth of souvenirs and gift items have been produced for the event.
E.g.: I am willing to buy £100,000 worth of bonds.
worth (adj.) 值得的 |
3. 事物 + be worth + N
E.g.: This art collection is worth a fortune. 「這藝術收藏價值連城。」
E.g.: This investment could be risky but it's worth a try.「這投資可能風險很高,但值得一試。」
E.g.: We believe the extra time and attention to detail is worth it.「我們相信多花時間及注意細節是值得的。」
E.g.: The local museum is worth a visit.「當地博物館值得一遊。」
4. 事物 +be (well) worth + Ving
It is worth + Ving
E.g.: The film is well worth seeing. 「這電影很值得一看。」
#The film is well worth being seen. (X)
E.g.: A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.「這區很多小鎮絕對值得一遊。」
# A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth being visited. (X)
E.g.: It’s worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it. 「簽約之前檢查合約細節是值得的。」
5. 事物 be worth one’s while
It is worth one’s while + Ving/ + to Vr
E.g.: The art exhibition that opened yesterday isn't worth your while. 「昨天開幕的藝術展不值得你去看。」
E.g.: It's worth your while taking out travel insurance before you travel.「你旅行前去辦一下旅遊保險很值得的。」
E.g.: It might be worth your while to talk to the head of the department. 「跟部門主管說一下或許是值得的。」
worthy 用法
worthy (adj.) 值得的 有價值的 |
E.g.: Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause. 「每年她大筆捐款給值得的目標。」
E.g.: I'm glad she's going into medicine. It's a very worthy calling. 「我很高興她去念醫學。這是個很有價值的天命。」
1. 事物/人 be worthy of + N (notice/ note/ praise/ trust/ attention/ respect/ the name/ (a) mention/ a visit…) 值得...
E.g.: Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice. 「這報告中有兩點特別值得注意。」
E.g.: Such dedication is worthy of our respect. 「這樣付出值得我們尊敬。」
E.g.: He is a hero worthy of the name. 「他是名符其實的英雄。」
E.g.: A couple of other books are worthy of mention. 「一些其他書值得一提。」
2. 事物/人 be worthy of being pp. = be worthy to be pp.
E.g.:Is the music created using these systems worthy of being listened to? 「用那些系統創造出來的音樂值得聽嗎?」
E.g.: He is a candidate worthy to be supported. 「他是值得被支持的候選人。」
worthwhile (adj.) 值得的 |
E.g.: We decided to give the money to a worthwhile cause. 「我們決定把錢投入值得的目標行動。」
E.g.: If you need him on this project, you've got to make it financially worthwhile for him.
It is worthwhile + Ving/ + to Vr.
E.g.: It wasn’t worthwhile continuing with the project.「繼續這計畫不值得。」
E.g.: I thought it was worthwhile to clarify the matter.「我想把這事情說清楚是值得的。」
worth, worthy, worthwhile片語用法綜合篇
事物 + be worth + N = 事物 +be (well) worth + Ving = It is worth + Ving = 事物 be worth one’s while = It is worth one’s while + Ving = It is worth one’s while + to Vr = 事物/人 be worthy of + N = 事物/人 be worthy of being pp. = 事物/人 be worthy to be pp. = It is worthwhile + Ving |
哇~最多可以有11種說法來表達這個意思耶,難怪很多人在學這worth, worthy, worthwhile這三個字時會霧煞煞。沒關係,最多也就是這些表達法了,來一個簡單的例句融會貫通一下吧~
「台北值得(你們)一遊。」 |
worth, worthy, worthwhile 課後練習
Exercises: 請選出正確答案
1. This used camera is ________ 200 dollars.
(A) worth (B) worthy (C) worthwhile (D) worth of
2. His advice is __________ our attention.
(A) worth of (B) worthy (C) worthy of (D) worthwhile
3. This is an interesting question _________ considering.
(A) worth (B) worthy (C) worthy of (D) worthwhile
4. This is an interesting question ________ to be considered.
(A) worth (B) worthy (C) worthy of (D) worthwhile
5. This is an interesting question _______ being considered
(A) worth (B) worthy (C) worthy of (D) worthwhile
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