V32 基本字根

V32-03字根 cede, ceed, cess: go 「走」、yield 「退讓」完整全公開

字根 cede, ceed, cess: go 「走」、yield 「退讓」完整全公開


cede, ceed, cess是英文單字裡重要的字根,有go 「走」 yield 「退讓」之意,但等一下除了第一個單字cede以外,其他的只要抓緊go 「走」這意象,再搭配一些字首,就能變化出很多英文裡重要的單字囉,接下來日光英文要來介紹字根 cede, ceed, cess系列~



字根 cede, ceed, cess介紹

1. cede [sid] (v) 退讓

cession [ˋsɛʃən] (n) 退讓

E.g.: Hong Kong was ceded to Britain in 1842. 

E.g.: The wars resulted in the cession of all French territories to the British.



2. accede [ækˋsid] (v) 

ac (toward) + cede (go) = 朝向某個方向走。這是何含義呢?如果是朝向王位走,就是取「繼任、 就職」之意。

E.g.: If someone accedes to the throne, they become king or queen. 

如果是朝向某個意念走,就是取「同意 、答應」之意,而且是一開始不同意,但後來不情願地同意的意思。

E.g.: The doctor refused to accede to his patient’s request. 

衍生出來的詞類變化:accession [ækˋsɛʃən] (n) 繼任/ 同意

E.g.: 1926 was the year of Emperor Hirohito’s accession to the throne.    


access  [ˋæksɛs] (v) (n) 

ac (toward) + cess (go) = 朝向某個方向走。這次是什麼意思呢?如果是動詞,取「進入(某處)」之意。如果是名詞,取「進入(某處)、 接近(某物)之意」

E.g.: The balcony is accessed by a spiral staircase from the bar. 「陽台是要從吧台的螺旋狀樓梯進去的。」

E.g.: Users can access their voice mail remotely. 「使用者可以遠端進入他們的語音信箱。」

E.g.: Cats should always have access to fresh, clean water.


衍生出來的詞類變化:accessible [ækˋsɛsəb!] (adj.) 可以取得的

E.g.: There is a church which is easily accessible from my home.


accessory  [ækˋsɛsərɪ] (n) 

ac (toward) + cess (go) + ory (名詞子尾): 朝著某方向去的東西。什麼意思呢?想像一直往自己身上、機器上、 車內或房間內放的東西吧~那就是「配件」囉~

E.g.: They sell software and computer accessories.

E.g.: This retail chain sells cooking items, kitchen accessories and home furnishings. 「這家連鎖店賣烹飪用具,廚房配件和家具。」

concede [kənˋsid] (v) 

con (together) + cede (go) =走在一起。嗯,這意思就比較要靠想像力擠一下了。想像一下,雖然很不甘願,但還是和某人走在一起的感覺,這意象可以衍生出「(雖然不想但)承認(某事/某挫敗)」 ,以及「讓步」之意。看一下例句抓一下這些意思為何囉~

E.g.: I conceded that I had made a number of errors. 

E.g.: In May 1949, Stalin conceded defeat and reopened land access to Berlin. 「1949年五月,史達林承認挫敗,重啟往柏林的陸路。」

E.g: The King finally agreed to concede further powers to Parliament.

衍生出來的詞類變化: concession [kənˋsɛʃən] (n) 這名詞的含義除了和動詞一樣的「承認」跟「讓步」之外,

另外還有「特別權利」、(美式英文)「(生意上)特許權」、(英式英文) 「(對特定族群)的減價優惠」。


E.g: The former president's concession came even before all the votes had been counted. 「在所有的票都還沒數完之前,前總統已經承認挫敗。」

E.g.: We will try to force further concessions from the government.

E.g.: Under the previous administration, rich landowners were given generous tax concessions. 「前朝政府執政下,有錢的地主享有很好的減稅權利。」

E.g: The company owns valuable logging and mining concessions

E.g.: To qualify for travel concessions you have to be 60.

關於con更多衍生單字,請見V31-03字首co, col, com, con, cor的英文單字有哪些?一次學會字首co, col, com, con, cor的相關英文單字

exceed [ɪkˋsid] (v) 

ex (out) + ceed (go)=走出去。如果是走超出一個範圍,就是「超過」之意囉~

E.g.: His performance exceeded our expectations. 「他的表現超出了我們的期待。」


衍生出來的詞類變化:excess [ɪkˋsɛs] (n) 過量,excessive  [ɪkˋsɛsɪv] (adj.) 過量的

E.g.: After you apply the oil, wait 20 minutes before wiping off any excess. 「油塗抹後,要等個二十分鐘再擦掉過量的部分。」

E.g.: Farmers have been criticized for their excessive use of chemical fertilizers. 「農夫因為過度使用化學肥料被批評。」

intercede [͵ɪntɚˋsid] (v) 

inter (between) + cede (go) =走到兩者之間。想想走到兩人之間,是想做什麼呢?答案是「求情」

E.g.: My good friend, Senator Bowie, interceded with the authorities on my behalf. 「我好友,桑尼托邦尼幫我跟當局求情。」

衍生出來的詞類變化:intercession [͵ɪntɚˋsɛʃən] (n) 求情

E.g.: Several political prisoners have been released through the intercession of Amnesty International. 


precede  [priˋsid] (v) 

pre (before) + cede (go) =走在前面。可以指空間上的「走在...之前」,也可以是時間上的「發生在...之前」。

E.g.: The guard preceded them down the corridor.

E.g.: Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman.


衍生出來的詞類變化: precedent [ˋprɛsədənt] (n) 前例, unprecedented [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd] (adj.) 史無前例的

E.g.: UN involvement in the country’s affairs would set a dangerous precedent. 「聯合國涉入這國家的事務會設下一個危險的前例。」

E.g.: Crime has increased on an unprecedented scale

proceed [prəˋsid] (v) 

pro (forward) + ceed (go) = 向前走,就是「(事情)繼續進行」之意。

E.g.: The government was determined to proceed with the election. 

  • 提醒:proceeds [ˋprosidz] (n) 加了s, 變成名詞,意思是「活動或買賣收入」唷~

E.g.: The proceeds of the concert will go to charity. 「演唱會昌收入會捐作慈善。」

process [ˋprɑsɛs] (n) (v)

pro (forward) + cess (go)= 向前走。一樣是向前走的意象,但這是當名詞用時,是指一件事情發展的「過程」。如果當動詞用,是指「處理食材或文件」之意。

E.g.: The student is actively involved in the learning process.

E.g.: The milk must be maintained at this temperature until it is processed.

procession [prəˋsɛʃən] (n) 

pro (forward) + cess (go) + ion (名詞字尾)=往前走的東西,意思是指行進中的「隊列、 行列」

E.g.: The children were eager to take part in the carnival procession.

procedure [prəˋsidʒɚ] (n) 

pro (forward) + ced (go) + ure (名詞字尾) = 往前走的東西。但這次的往前走之物是指辦事情要遵守的「程序」唷~

E.g.: What’s the procedure for applying for a visa? 「什麼是申請簽證的程序?」

recede [rɪˋsid] (v) 

re (back) + cede (go) =往後走。可以指聲音、影像、 感覺或回憶慢慢往後走的「消退」,或是潮水或頭髮的「後退」

E.g.: The pain in his head gradually receded. 「他的頭痛逐漸消退。」

E.g.: He was in his mid-forties, with a receding hairline. 「他年約45, 髮線往後退了。」

衍生出來的詞類變化: recession [rɪˋsɛʃən] (n) (景氣)衰退

E.g.: Most analysts don’t believe the economy will slide into recession. 「很多分析師不相信經濟會步入衰退。」

recess (n) 「(一天或一年中的)休息期間」、「 (美式英文)(學校)課間休息」、「 (牆壁上)凹進處」、「幽深處」(v) 休息、 把...置於凹進處

E.g.: Congress will return in January from its holiday recess.

E.g.: After lunch, the kids have recess. 「午餐後,小朋友可以休息。」

E.g.: The room has a recess designed to hold bookshelves.

E.g.: Psychoanalysts aim to explore the deepest/innermost recesses of 
the mind.  「心理分析師志在探索心靈最深的角落。」

recessive (adj.) (基因上)隱性的

E.g.: Blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes are dominant.

succeed [səkˋsid] (v) 

suc (sub: under) + ceed (go) = 走在下面。這有兩種意象,一種是從下方慢慢往上走,這就比較好想像為何取「成功」之意。另一種意象是照著某個位階順序往下走,那就有「(事情)接著發生」或「(人)繼任」之意。


E.g.: Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.

E.g.: In the weeks that succeeded, five more patients showed similar symptoms. 「在接下來的幾週,又有五個病人出現類似症狀。」

E.g.: Who will succeed him to the throne?


success [səkˋsɛs] (n) 成功

successful [səkˋsɛsfəl] (adj.) 成功的

succession [səkˋsɛʃən] (n) 連續/ 繼位

successor [səkˋsɛsɚ] (n) 繼位者

successive [səkˋsɛsɪv] (adj.) 連續的

E.g.: The show was an overnight success. 「這節目一夜成功。」

E.g.: Were you successful in persuading him to change his mind? 「你有成功說服他改變他的心意嗎?」

E.g.: A succession of scandals and revelations has undermined the government over the past year. 「一連串的醜聞跟爆料已經在過去一年損害政府的威信。」

E.g.: Ferdinand was first in line of succession to the throne.

E.g.: He is proving to be a worthy successor to his father in the business.

E.g.: The team has had five successive victories. 「這隊伍已經五連勝。」

本文算是把這個字根cede, ceed, cess相關重點單字掃過一遍囉~希望有助於大家擴充字彙量。最後,用一張簡表整理出這些單字,算一算有32個

1. cede [sid] (v) 退讓

cession [ˋsɛʃən] (n) 退讓


2. accede [ækˋsid] (v) 1. 繼任、 就職  2. 同意 、答應

accession [ækˋsɛʃən] (n) 繼任/ 同意

3. access  [ˋæksɛs] (v)  進入(某處)(n) 進入(某處)、 接近(某物)

accessible [ækˋsɛsəb!] (adj.) 可以取得的

4. accessory  [ækˋsɛsərɪ] (n) 配件

5. concede [kənˋsid] (v) 1. (雖然不想但)承認(某事/某挫敗) 2. 讓步

cession [kənˋsɛʃən] (n) 1. 承認  2. 讓步  3. 特別權利  4. (美式英
文) (生意上)特許權   5. (英式英文) (給特定族群)減價優惠

6. exceed [ɪkˋsid] (v) 超過

excess [ɪkˋsɛs] (n) 過量

excessive  [ɪkˋsɛsɪv] (adj.) 過量的

7. intercede [͵ɪntɚˋsid] (v) 求情

intercession [͵ɪntɚˋsɛʃən] (n) 求情

8. precede  [priˋsid] (v) 1. 走在...之前   2. 發生在...之前。

cedent [ˋprɛsədənt] (n) 前例

unprecedented [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd] (adj.) 史無前例的

9. proceed [prəˋsid] (v) (事情)繼續進行

  • proceeds [ˋprosidz] (n) 活動或買賣收入

    process [ˋprɑsɛs] (n) 過程 (v) 處理食材或文件

    procession [prəˋsɛʃən] (n) 隊列、 行列

    procedure [prəˋsidʒɚ] (n) 程序

10. recede [rɪˋsid] (v) 1. (聲音、影像、 感覺或回憶) 消退  2. (潮水或頭髮) 後退

recession [rɪˋsɛʃən] (n) (景氣)衰退

recess (n) 1. (一天或一年中的)休息期間」2. (美式英文)(學
校)課間休息  3. (牆壁上)凹進處  4. 幽深處  (v) 1. 休息  2. 把...置於凹進處

recessive (adj.) (基因上)隱性的

11. succeed [səkˋsid] (v) 1. 成功  2. (事情) 接著發生  3.(人)繼任

success [səkˋsɛs] (n) 成功

successful [səkˋsɛsfəl] (adj.) 成功的

succession [səkˋsɛʃən] (n) 連續/ 繼位

successor [səkˋsɛsɚ] (n) 繼位者

successive [səkˋsɛsɪv] (adj.) 連續的

字根cede, ceed, cess小練習

Exercises: 請選出正確答案

1. Work is ______ according to plan.

(A) preceding    (B) proceeding    (C) processing   (D) interceding

2. ________ to the papers is restricted to senior management.

(A) Access    (B) Accession    (C) Succession   (D) Recession

3. When the King dies, her eldest son will _________ to the throne.

(A) concede   (B) intercede    (C) recede    (D) succeed

4. The government has _______ (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster.

(A) conceded   (B) interceded    (C) receded    (D) succeeded

5. Working hours must not ________ 42 hours a week.

(A) proceed    (B) exceed    (C) accede     (D) recede
