V32 基本字根

V32-04 字根系列 clam, claim: cry out (呼叫、 大叫)

V32-04 字根系列 clam, claim: cry out 『呼叫、 大叫』


clam, claim源自於某拉丁文意思為cry out「呼叫、 大叫」的動詞。此字根可以衍生出幾個常見或是多益考試中比較正式的英文單字。本文將一一介紹,並且結合詞類變化跟朗文或劍橋字典例句,幫助各位不僅增加字彙量,還能讓字彙使用能力更升級~一起來瞧瞧吧~



clamor  [ˋklæmɚ] (n) 喧鬧 (v) 發出喧鬧聲(英式拼法 clamour) 

clamorous [ˋklæmərəs] (adj.) 喧鬧的

E.g.1: The station was filled with the clamor of shouting voices and movement. 「車站裡充滿了人潮喧囂與移動的熱鬧聲。」

E.g.2: After the bombing, there was a public clamour for vengeance.

E.g.3: The children were all clamouring for attention.

字根 -claim

  1. claim 大聲叫,是要做什麼呢?一是要即使沒證據也要「宣稱」某事為真,二為「主張」賠償金或權利之類的。但這字另外還有「奪走性命」之意。

claim [klem] (v) 宣稱 /主張(要回錢或權利等)/奪走(性命)

                     (n) 宣稱/ 主張

E.g.1: The product claims that it can make you thin without dieting. 「這產品宣稱不用節食就可以讓你瘦下來。」

E.g.2: He should be able to claim the price of the ticket back

E.g.3: If you’re still not satisfied, you may be able to claim compensation

E.g.4: The majority of those who claim asylum are genuine refugees.

E.g.5: The earthquake has so far claimed over 3,000 lives. 

E.g.6: The police denied claims that the men were tortured. 

E.g.7: The insurance company cannot meet (=pay) such enormous claims.

  1. ac-(toward) + claim (cry out), 想像大家朝向某個人大叫歡呼是什麼意思呢?是要「稱讚」他/她唷~

acclaim  [əˋklem] (v) (n) 稱讚

E.g.1: His work was acclaimed by art critics. 「他的作品被藝術評論家讚賞。」

E.g.2: The young singer is enjoying critical acclaim. (=praise by people who are paid to give their opinion on art, music etc). 


  1. dis(away) + claim (cry out), 大聲說某個東西沒有或沒這回事。這是什麼意思呢?就是「發表免責聲明」囉~

disclaim [dɪsˋklem] (v) 提出免責聲明

E.g.: Martin disclaimed any responsibility for his son’s actions.「馬丁宣稱他兒子的作為他不負任何責任。」


  1. ex(out) + claim (cry out) 大叫的聲音又要再出來,就是「大叫」的意思囉~

exclaim [ɪksˋklem] (v) 大叫

exclamation [͵ɛkskləˋmeʃən] (n) 大叫

exclamation mark/point (n) 驚嘆號(!)

E.g.1: "What a beautiful house!'' she exclaimed「她大叫,多美的房子呀!」

E.g.2: We all jumped up from our seats with exclamations of surprise. 


  1. pro (forward) + claim (cry out) 往前大叫,是在做什麼呢?是公開或正式地「宣布」某件事唷~

proclaim [prəˋklem] (v) 宣布

proclamation [͵prɑkləˋmeʃən] (n) 宣布

E.g.1: Protesters proclaimed that the girl was innocent.「抗議民眾宣稱這女孩是無辜的。」

E.g.2: The authorities issued a proclamation forbidding public meetings.


  1. re (back) + claim (cry out) 想像大聲叫,要把某個東西要回來是什麼意思?一是「要求拿回」本來有的權利或付的錢,等於前文提到的claim sth. back. 二是從大自然拿回來土地,也就是「開墾(荒地)」三是從廢料中「回收」東西。只當作名詞用的話,專門指機場裡的「行李提領(區)」

reclaim [rɪˋklem] (v) 要求拿回/ 開墾/ 回收  (n) 行李提領(區)

reclamation [͵rɛkləˋmeʃən] (n) 開墾/ 回收

E.g.1: I reclaimed my suitcase from the lost luggage office. 「我從遺失行李處領回我的行李箱。」

E.g.2: This land will be reclaimed for a new airport.

E.g.3: You can reclaim old boards and use them as shelves.

E.g.4: We spent an hour in baggage/luggage reclaim waiting for our suitcases. 

E.g.5: On closing the mines, they hired a forestry expert to improve their reclamation plan.



字根clam, claim總結

扣緊cry ou這個核心意義後,就可以從clam, claim這字根學到了7組,共11個單字。用表格來複習一下~

clamor  [ˋklæmɚ] (n) 喧鬧 (v) 發出喧鬧聲(英式拼法 clamour) 

clamorous [ˋklæmərəs] (adj.) 喧鬧的

claim [klem] (v) 宣稱 /主張(要回錢或權利等)/奪走(性命)

                     (n) 宣稱/ 主張

acclaim  [əˋklem] (v) (n) 稱讚

disclaim [dɪsˋklem] (v) 提出免責聲明

exclaim [ɪksˋklem] (v) 大叫

exclamation [͵ɛkskləˋmeʃən] (n) 大叫

proclaim [prəˋklem] (v) 宣布

proclamation [͵prɑkləˋmeʃən] (n) 宣布

reclaim [rɪˋklem] (v) 要求拿回/ 開墾/ 回收  (n) 行李提領(區)

reclamation [͵rɛkləˋmeʃən] (n) 開墾/ 回收

字根clam, claim練習題


Exercises: 請選出正確答案

1. Insurance companies are estimated to pay out _______, topping US$1.5 billion in Taiwan

clamors    (B) claims   (C) acclaims    (D) exclamations

2. The organization is trying to _________ desert land for farming.

(A) acclaim   (B) exclaim    (C) disclaim     (D) reclaim

3. The officers _________ any knowledge of the incident, refusing to be responsible for it. 

(A) clamor    (B) claim    (C) disclaim    (D) reclaim

4. Brazil _________ itself independent from Portugal in 1882.

(A) disclaimed    (B) proclaimed    (C) exclaimed     (D) reclaimed

5. After the show, the girls ________ with excitement that it was the best thing they'd ever seen.

(A) clamored    (B) disclaimed     (C) proclaimed    (D) exclaimed 
