V31 基本字首

V31-04字首 contra-, contro-, counter 英文單字有哪些?

字首 contra-, contro-, counter 英文單字有哪些?


contra-, contro-, counter-源自於拉丁文conta, 是個介系詞或副詞,有against, opposite 「反對、 對立」之意。這字首衍生出來的英文單字意思都滿好想像的~我們分批來整理一下吧。





contrast [ˋkɑn͵træst] (n) 對比/ 對比物 

     [kənˋtræst] (vi) (兩物)形成對比/ (vt) 將(兩物)拿來對比

  • 注意名詞的重音在第一音節,動詞時重音在第二音節

E.g.: I noticed a marked contrast in his behaviour before and after treatment. 「我注意到他治療前跟治療後行爲上明顯的對比。」

E.g.: He wore a dark suit and tie, a contrast to the brightly colored shirts he usually wears.「他穿上了深色西裝跟領帶,跟他平常穿的亮色襯衫形成強烈對比。」

E.g.: The snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky. 「雪又冰又白,和亮藍色天空形成對比。」

E.g.: The book compares and contrasts the various methods used in language teaching.「這本書列出了語言教學上不同方法的相同與相異之處。」

(嚴格來說,compare 「比較」是指列出兩者相同處,contrast 「對比」是指出不同處。)

contrast這單字有很多搭配詞(collocations)值得學習,學起來可以讓自己的英文用字更道地,詳見《contrast | meaning of contrast in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

其中,片語in/by contrast是英文寫作時常用的轉折語,但台灣學生常會跟其他類似片語誤用。想一探究竟怎麼用對,詳見《G4-008【英文轉折語】on/to the contrary, on the other hand, in/by comparison, in/by contrast怎麼用?



contrary [ˋkɑntrɛrɪ] (adj.) 相反的

E.g.: The government’s actions are contrary to the public interest.「政府的作為有違公眾利益。」

E.g.: Contrary to popular belief, a desert can be very cold.

on the contrary/ quite the contrary 「恰恰相反」(用來反駁前面說過的話)

E.g.: ‘Are they happy?’ ‘No, no, quite the contrary.’

此片語也是英文寫作時會用到的轉折語,但台灣學生常會跟on the other hand等其他意思類似的片語誤用,想知道到底怎麼用對,一樣詳見G4-008【英文轉折語】on/to the contrary, on the other hand, in/by comparison, in/by contrast怎麼用?



contraception [͵kɑntrəˋsɛpʃən]  (nU) 避孕 (抽象概念,故不可數) 

contraceptive [͵kɑntrəˋsɛptɪv] (nC) 避孕方法 (具體方法,故可數)

                                                 (adj.) 避孕的 

字首contra- (against) + 字根cep (take) =「抓起來對抗」,是要對抗什麼呢?這邊是指對抗小孩進來之意,意味著「不要懷孕」。故有了不可數名詞 contraception (nU) 避孕之意,也衍生出可數名詞 contraceptive (nC)避孕方法或是(adj.) 避孕的 

E.g.: The pill is a popular method of contraception.

E.g.: But there is no such thing as a 100-per-cent reliable contraceptive

衍生閱讀:字根cep (take) 搭配不同的字首,還可以衍生出不少英文單字唷,想擴大自己單字量的小夥伴可詳讀《V32-02字根cap, cip, cei, cep的英文單字有哪些? 一次學會字根cap, cip, cei, cep的英文單字



contradict [͵kɑntrəˋdɪkt] (v) 和...矛盾 衝突

contradiction [͵kɑntrəˋdɪkʃən] (n) 矛盾 衝突

contradictory [͵kɑntrəˋdɪktərɪ] (adj.) 矛盾的 衝突的

字首contra- (against) + 字根dict (say) =「說出來的話反對某件事」,這是什麼意思呢?動詞contradict (v) 就是「和...矛盾/衝突」,其衍生出來的名詞是contradiction (n) 「矛盾 衝突」,形容詞contradictory (adj.) 「矛盾的 衝突的」

E.g.: The witness statements contradict each other and the facts remain unclear. 「目擊者證詞彼此矛盾衝突,真相依然不明。」

E.g.: You can say what you like without fear of contradiction.

E.g.: The public is being fed contradictory messages about the economy.


controversy [ˋkɑntrə͵vɝsɪ] (n) 爭議

controversial [͵kɑntrəˋvɝʃəl] (adj.) 有爭議的

字首contro- (against) + vers (turn) =「轉過來對抗」,某件事可以轉來轉去形成對抗之勢,就表示這件事情是個爭議囉~故controversy (n) 「爭議」,衍生出來的形容詞controversial (adj.) 「有爭議的」

E.g.: His book sparked off a public controversy about the issue.

E.g.: Abortion is a controversial subject. 「墮胎是個備受爭議的主題。」

meaning of controversy in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE



counter [ˋkaʊntɚ] (v) 反駁/ 對抗(以讓壞事不要發生)

                            (n) 反制物

                            (adj.) 和...相反的 (只用於固定片語be/ run/ go counter to + N)

E.g.: He was determined to counter the bribery allegations.「他決意要反駁收賄指控。」

E.g.: Exercise helps to counter the effects of stress.

E.g.: The road blocks were a counter to terrorist attacks in that area.

E.g.: Some actions by the authorities ran counter to the president’s call for leniency. 「相關當局的一些動作和總統聲稱的寬厚施政背道而馳。」


  • counter當名詞用,另外還有「(商店 銀行 餐廳)櫃檯」跟「計數器」之意,就跟本篇的字根之意無關。故counter算是一字多義的字。

E.g.: He wondered if the girl behind the counter recognised him.「他納悶櫃檯小姐是否認得他。」

E.g.: Set the video counter to zero before you press play.



counteract [͵kaʊntɚˋækt] (v) 抵消(不好的東西)

counteraction [͵kaʊntɚˋækʃən]  (n) 抵消

字首counter (against) + 單字act (行動) =  「行動對抗」,用行動來對抗,故動詞counteract有「抵消(不好之物)」之意。名詞為counteraction. 

E.g.: Taking vitamins can counteract some bad eating habits.



countermeasure [ˋkaʊntɚ͵mɛʒɚ] (n) 反制措施(常用複數型)

字首counter (against)  + 單字measure (n) 措施 =反制措施。

E.g.: The rising incidence of drunken driving requires drastic countermeasures. 「日益嚴重的酒駕需要大刀闊斧的反制措施。」



counterattack [ˋkaʊntərə͵tæk] (v) (n) 反擊

字首counter (against) + 單字attack (攻擊)=反擊

E.g.: But this week, the president embarked on a counterattack, using one of the guerrillas' favorite weapons: the media.



counterproductive [ˋkaʊntɚprəˋdʌktɪv] (adj.) 反效果的

字首counter (against) + 單字productive (adj.) 「有生產力的」= 抵消有生產力的,故衍生為「產生反效果的」之意。

E.g.: Constant correction by a teacher is often counterproductive, as the student may become afraid to speak at all. 「老師一直糾正常常會造成反效果,因為學生可能會連發言都害怕。」



counterbalance [͵kaʊntɚˋbæləns] (v) 抗衡

                          [ˋkaʊntɚ͵bæləns] (n) 抗衡

  • 注意動詞的重音在第二音節,名詞時重音在第一音節

字首counter (against) + 單字balance (平衡)=抗衡

E.g.: The company's success in Europe has counterbalanced its weak sales in the U.S. 「這公司在歐洲的成功多少抗衡了在美國銷售不佳的狀況。」



counterfeit [ˋkaʊntɚ͵fɪt] (v) 仿冒 (adj.) 仿冒的

counterfeiter [ˋkaʊntɚ͵fɪtɚ] (n) 仿冒者

字首counter (against) + 字根feit (do) = 做出來對抗。如果做出某個東西出來和原作品分庭抗禮,就不難理解為何這個字當動詞用是「仿冒」之意了。另外counterfeit還可當形容詞用,取「仿冒的」之意。而counterfeiter的-er是取「人」的意思,故這單字為「仿冒者」。

E.g.: Newer bills are preferred because they are more difficult to counterfeit. 「較新的紙鈔比較受人喜愛,因為它們比較難仿冒。」

E.g.: Police have warned stores to look out for counterfeit $50 bills. 「警察已經示警店家,要小心50元偽鈔。」

E.g.: Calvin Klein is a popular target for counterfeiters.
「Calvin Klein是仿冒者愛鎖定的目標。」


counterpart [ˋkaʊntɚ͵pɑrt] (n) 職務相當的人或物

字首counter (against) + 單字part (部分)=相對抗的部分。這概念可以想像在兩個組織中職權或角色可以分庭抗禮的人或東西,故counterpart (n) 意思為「職務相當的人或物」

E.g.: American chief executives are paid far more than their counterparts in the UK.





  1. contrast [ˋkɑn͵træst] (n) 對比/ 對比物 

              [kənˋtræst] (vi) (兩物)形成對比/ (vt) 將(兩物)拿來對比

  1. contrary [ˋkɑntrɛrɪ] (adj.) 相反的

  1. contraception [͵kɑntrəˋsɛpʃən]  (nU) 避孕 

    contraceptive [͵kɑntrəˋsɛptɪv] (nC) 避孕方法 

                                                (adj.) 避孕的 

  1. contradict [͵kɑntrəˋdɪkt] (v) 和...矛盾/衝突

    contradiction [͵kɑntrəˋdɪkʃən] (n) 矛盾 衝突

    contradictory [͵kɑntrəˋdɪktərɪ] (adj.) 矛盾的 衝突的

  1. controversy [ˋkɑntrə͵vɝsɪ] (n) 爭議

    controversial [͵kɑntrəˋvɝʃəl] (adj.) 有爭議的

  1. counter [ˋkaʊntɚ] (v) 反駁/ 對抗(以讓壞事不要發生)

                             (n) 反制物

                            (adj.) 和...相反的

  • counter (n) (商店 銀行 餐廳)櫃檯/ 計數器

  1. counteract [͵kaʊntɚˋækt] (v) 抵消(不好的東西)

    counteraction [͵kaʊntɚˋækʃən]  (n) 抵消

  1. countermeasure [ˋkaʊntɚ͵mɛʒɚ] (n) 反制措施(常用複數型)

  1. counterattack [ˋkaʊntərə͵tæk] (v) (n) 反擊

  1. counterproductive [ˋkaʊntɚprəˋdʌktɪv] (adj.) 反效果的

  1. counterbalance [͵kaʊntɚˋbæləns] (v) 抗衡

                                 [ˋkaʊntɚ͵bæləns] (n) 抗衡

  1. counterfeit [ˋkaʊntɚ͵fɪt] (v) 仿冒 (adj.) 仿冒的

    counterfeiter [ˋkaʊntɚ͵fɪtɚ] (n) 仿冒者

  1. counterpart [ˋkaʊntɚ͵pɑrt] (n) 職務相當的人或物

contra-, contro-, counter-單字小練習

Exercises: 請選出正確答案

  1. C_________ arose over the consumption of genetically modified foods. Some support it while others are strongly opposed to it. 

    (ACountermeasures   (B) Controversy   (C) Contradict  (D) Counterbalance

  2. The use of c____________ is an effective way to prevent unintended pregnancy.

    (A) contraception   (B) counteraction   (C) counterfeiter    (D) counterpart

  3. She was caught trying to sell c__________ designer handbags on the street corner

    contrast   (B) counterfeit   (C) contrary    (D) contraceptive 

  4. The ambassador held talks with her foreign c__________ to discuss trade relations between the two countries. 

    (A)counterproductive   (B) countermeasures    (C) counterpart   (D) counteraction

  5. The witness statements were c____________, making it difficult for the jury to determine what really happened.

    (A)contrast    (B) counterbalance    (C) counterattack   (D) contradictory  
