V31 基本字首

V31-06 字首de, di(s):away, off/ not 英文單字有多少?

V31-06 字首de, di(s):away, off/  not 英文單字有多少?


V31-05V31-05 字首de:down/ completely 英文單字有多少?提到de這字首有down「向下」跟completely「全然地」兩個意思,此篇文章是要來整理字首de跟di(s),都有away, off「分離」或not 「沒有」之意~(換言之:de字首可以有四個意思推敲唷。)

de, di(s)字首開頭的字有很多,日光英文僅挑出其字首字根能很直白推敲出其單字意思的英文單字。並先用個簡表整理出本文要談的單字,並按照(一) (二) (三) (四) 的順序解釋起,這樣等一下閱讀時就比較有頭緒囉。





away/ off


  1. decapitate

  2. deluge

  3. deport


  1. dispel

  2. disrupt

  3. distract



  1. dehydrate

  2. deform


  1. disclose

  2. discover

  3. dissuade

一、字首de: away, off 「脫離」

decapitate  [dɪˋkæpə͵tet] (v) 砍頭 斬首

decapitation [dɪ͵kæpəˋteʃən] (n) 砍頭 斬首

de (away, off)  + capit (頭)「頭脫離了」是什麼意思呢?就是「砍頭、 斬首」之意,衍生出來的名詞為decapitation。

E.g.1: The executioner's blade was sharp enough to swiftly decapitate the prisoner with a single stroke.


E.g.2: The gruesome scene of decapitation sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it.



deluge  [ ˋdɛljudʒ] (v) 淹沒 (n) 大洪水

de (away, off) + lug (wash),「沖洗掉」是什麼意思呢?動詞就是「淹大水」之意,可以引申為一次給某人很多問題或信件,彷彿要把他/她淹沒之意。名詞即為「大洪水」,引申為「大量問題或信件」之意。

E.g.1: The sudden rainstorm threatened to deluge the streets, causing chaos in the city.


E.g.2: The politician received a deluge of inquiries following her controversial statement.



deport [ dɪˋport ] (v) 遣返

deportation [ diporˋteʃən ] (n) 遣返

de (away, off)
+ port (carry),「帶走」這意象代表什麼呢?想像一個人非法居留在某個國家,被該國家執法人員「帶走」,意思就是「遣返」囉。名詞為deportation。

E.g.1: The government decided to deport the undocumented immigrants who had overstayed their visas.


E.g.2: The deportation of several immigrants sparked a heated debate about immigration policies in the country.



二、字首di(s): away, off 「脫離」

dispel  [ dɪˋspɛl ] (v) 揮散(想法 感覺等)

dis (away, off) + pel (push), 「推走、 推散」是什麼意思呢?想像本來腦中有些想法或感覺,而自己大手一揮,就把這些想法或感覺揮走了。

E.g.: The scientist conducted experiments to dispel the myth that bats are blind.



disrupt  [ dɪsˋrʌpt ] (v)  打斷(某事)

disruption [ dɪsˋrʌpʃən ] (n) 打斷(某事)

disruptive [ dɪsˋrʌptɪv ] (adj.) 造成干擾的

dis (away, off) + rupt (break), 「斷裂」的意思是?想像一件事情在進行時,有人搗亂,使其過程斷裂。故此動詞中文意思取「打斷(某事)」,名詞為disruption, 形容詞為disruptive。

E.g.1: The construction work in the neighborhood disrupted the usual traffic flow.


E.g.2: The unexpected power outage caused a significant disruption to the city's transportation system.


E.g.3: The student's disruptive behavior in class made it difficult for others to focus on their studies.



distract [dɪˋstrækt ] (v) 使...分心

distraction  [ dɪˋstrækʃən ] (n) 分心

distracting [ dɪˋstræktɪŋ ] (adj.) 令人分心的

distracted [ dɪˋstræktɪd ] (adj.) 分心的

dis (away, off) + tract (draw, pull 拉), 「拉走」是什麼意思?想像一個人的心思被拉走,就是使這個人分心囉~名詞為distraction. 形容詞有兩個:distracting (adj.) 令人分心的,常用來修飾事物; distracted (adj.) 分心的,用來修飾人 (這兩種形容詞的差異,可視為情緒動詞的衍生概念。有興趣深究的夥伴們可以詳見G21-05情緒動詞介紹與實際案例全解析 - 正面或中性情緒動詞分享/ G21-06情緒動詞介紹與實際案例全解析 - 反面情緒動詞分享)

E.g.1: The loud noises from the street distracted me while I was trying to read my book.


E.g.2: The constant notifications on his phone proved to be a major distraction during his work hours.


E.g.3: She found the noisy surroundings distracting, but despite the distractions, she remained focused and undistracted on her task at hand.



三、字首de: not 「沒有」

dehydrate [ diˋhaɪ͵dret ] (v) 脫水

dehydration  [ dihaɪˋdreʃən ] (n) 脫水

dehydrated [ diˋhaɪ͵dretɪd ] (adj.) 脫水的

de (not) + hydr (water), 「沒有水」的意思是?想像一個人的身體水分慢慢流失,意即「脫水」。名詞dehydration(n),形容詞dehydrated (adj.)

E.g.1: The hot weather and lack of water caused him to dehydrate during the outdoor hike.


E.g.2: After hours of intense exercise in the sun, he began to feel the effects of dehydration and realized he was becoming dehydrated.



deform [dɪˋfɔrm] (v) (使)不成形

deformation [ difɔrˋmeʃən] (n) 變形,不成形

de (not) + form (form), 「沒有形」的意思就是讓一個東西或此東西本身失去它原本的形狀。名詞為deformation。

E.g.1: The extreme pressure and heat caused the plastic to deform, and altered its original shape.


E.g.2: The metal underwent significant deformation after being subjected to intense pressure during the manufacturing process.



四、字首di(s): not 「沒有」

disclose [ dɪsˋkloz ] (v) 揭露

disclosure  [ dɪsˋkloʒɚ ] (n) 揭露

dis (not) + close (close 關起來), 「不關起來」的意思是將一個東西公開囉?故此動詞意思為「揭露」。名詞為disclosure。

E.g.1: The company decided to disclose its financial records to the public to promote transparency and accountability.


E.g.2: The government's disclosure of classified documents shed light on previously unknown aspects of the historical event.

「政府對於機密文件的揭露讓此歷史事件之前不為人知的一面重見天日。 」


discover [ dɪsˋkʌvɚ ] (v) 發現

discovery  [ dɪsˋkʌvərɪ ] (n) 發現

dis (not) + cover (cover 覆蓋), 「不覆蓋」的意思是將一個東西從土裡深處挖出來,發現它的意思囉?故此動詞意思為「發現」。名詞為discovery。

E.g.1: During the archaeological dig, researchers were thrilled to discover ancient artifacts buried beneath the ground.


E.g.2: The scientist's groundbreaking discovery revolutionized our understanding of genetics.



dissuade [ dɪˋswed ] (v) 勸阻

dissuasion [ dɪˋsweʒən ] (n) 勸阻

dis (not) + suade (persuade 說服), 「說服不要」,意思就是說服一個人不要做某事,也就是「勸阻」之意。名詞為dissuasion. 

E.g.1: Despite his friends' attempts to dissuade him, he was determined to pursue his dream of starting his own business.


E.g.2: Despite the persistent dissuasion from her family, she remained resolute in her decision to travel solo around the world.



字首de, di(s)總結

de, di(s)這字首開頭的字有很多,日光英文僅就其兩個涵義分成四群,共11組單字。如果再考慮到詞類變化進去,就涵蓋了24個單字了。希望這樣透過字首字根學單字的方式可以幫助大家在學習這些單字時更有效率,比較不容易忘記~



一 + 二、字首de/ di(s): away, off

decapitate  [dɪˋkæpə͵tet] (v) 砍頭 斬首

decapitation [dɪ͵kæpəˋteʃən] (n) 砍頭 斬首

deluge  [ ˋdɛljudʒ] (v) 淹沒 (n) 大洪水

deport [ dɪˋport ] (v) 遣返

deportation [ diporˋteʃən ] (n) 遣返

dispel  [ dɪˋspɛl ] (v) 揮散(想法 感覺等)

disrupt  [ dɪsˋrʌpt ] (v)  打斷(某事)

disruption [ dɪsˋrʌpʃən ] (n) 打斷(某事)

disruptive [ dɪsˋrʌptɪv ] (adj.) 造成干擾的

distract [dɪˋstrækt ] (v) 使...分心

distraction  [ dɪˋstrækʃən ] (n) 分心

distracting [ dɪˋstræktɪŋ ] (adj.) 令人分心的

distracted [ dɪˋstræktɪd ] (adj.) 分心的

三 + 四、字首de/ di(s): not

dehydrate [ diˋhaɪ͵dret ] (v) 脫水

dehydration  [ dihaɪˋdreʃən ] (n) 脫水

dehydrated [ diˋhaɪ͵dretɪd ] (adj.) 脫水的

deform [dɪˋfɔrm] (v) (使)不成形

deformation [ difɔrˋmeʃən] (n) 變形,不成形

disclose [ dɪsˋkloz ] (v) 揭露

disclosure  [ dɪsˋkloʒɚ ] (n) 揭露

discover [ dɪsˋkʌvɚ ] (v) 發現

discovery  [ dɪsˋkʌvərɪ ] (n) 發現

dissuade [ dɪˋswed ] (v) 勸阻

dissuasion [ dɪˋsweʒən ] (n) 勸阻

字首de/ di(s)練習題

Exercises: 請選出正確答案

1. Her reassuring words _______ any fears the child had about the dark shadows lurking in the room.

(A) discovered     (B) decapitated     (C) dissuaded  (D) dispelled

2. The warning signs along the cliff were meant to _________ hikers from venturing too close to the edge.

(A) disclose    (B) dissuade    (C) dehydrate    (D) deform

3. After the foreign national was found guilty of multiple crimes, the government decided to _______ him back to his home country.

(A) deport   (B) disrupt    (C) deluge     (D) disclose

4. The unexpected power outage _________ the entire schedule of the conference, causing delays and confusion among the attendees.

(A) dispelled    (B) deformed    (C) disclosed    (D) disrupted

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