字首de:down/ completely 英文單字有多少?
英文單字de開頭的有很多,其中有些英文單字如果取字首de為「down (向下)」或是「completely (全然地)」的概念下去理解,會更容易心領神會。適合用這方法記憶字首de的英文單字有哪些呢?我們一起來看看~
字首de: down(向下)
depress [dɪˋprɛs] (v) 使(人)沮喪/使(經濟)表現不佳 depression [dɪˋprɛʃən] (n) 沮喪 憂鬱/ 經濟大蕭條/ 地面凹處/ (氣象)低氣壓 |
de (down) + press (壓),「向下壓」是什麼意思呢?想想看心情被往下壓是什麼感覺?應該是覺得沮喪吧?故depress (v)意思為「使...沮喪」。如果是談論經濟的話,意思則為「使...表現不佳」。
衍生出來的名詞為depression (n) 意思有「沮喪、 憂鬱」,而經濟上專門指「大蕭條」(比recession 「(經濟)衰退」還嚴重),另外還可以指「地面上的凹處」或是氣象學裡面的「低氣壓」。
E.g.1: The thought of taking the exam again depressed him.
E.g.2: Several factors combined to depress the American economy.
E.g.3: She suffers from periods of deep depression, when she locks herself away and will speak to no one for weeks.
E.g.4: The country was in the grip of economic depression, and in June 1921 there were more than two million out of work.
E.g.5: The depressions in the sand are made by turtles, that come up here to lay their eggs.
deduce [dɪˋdjus] (v) 推論 演繹 deduction [dɪˋdʌkʃən] (n) 推論 演繹 deductive [dɪˋdʌktɪv] (adj.) 推論的 演繹的 |
de (down) + duce (lead),「向下引導」是什麼意思呢?想想看,我們知道一些事情之後就「向下導出」一些結論或意見,這是在做什麼呢?應該就是「推論、 演繹」~
衍生出來的名詞為deduction 「演繹法」。(它是邏輯理論中會談論的兩大推理方法之一,另外一個為induction 「歸納法」。另外,deduction還有「扣除額」的意思。詳見V31-06),而衍生出來的形容詞為deductive (adj.) 「演繹的」
E.g.1: From her son’s age, I deduced that her husband must be at least 60.
E.g.2: Children will soon make deductions about the meaning of a word.
E.g.3: The education system that most of us have grown up with teaches logical, deductive thinking.
deposit [dɪˋpɑzɪt] (v) 付預付款 訂金/ 存款/ 沉積 沉澱 (n) 預付款 訂金/ 存款 /沉積物 |
de (down) + pos (place),「向下放」這意象代表什麼呢?以動詞而言,如果是買或租東西前先放下的錢,就是「付預付款、 付訂金」。如果是錢拿到銀行去放,那就是「存款」。以上這兩種意思,多益考題很常見呢~另外,如果是自然風化過程中自然而然放下的東西,那就是「沉積 、沉澱」的意思。而名詞的意思跟動詞的三個意思一樣~
E.g.1: Half the profits are deposited in a corporate account that can be drawn on only with stockholder consent.
E.g.2: As the river slows down, it deposits a layer of soil.
E.g.3: We ask for one month’s rent in advance, plus a deposit of $500.
E.g.4: I’d like to make a deposit into my savings account.
descend [dɪˋsɛnd] (v) (飛機) 降落、 (地形)下降 、(人) 向下走/ (某氣氛)籠罩(某處) descent [dɪˋsɛnt] (n) 降落、 向下走/ 墮落/ 後代血脈 descendant [dɪˋsɛndənt] (n) 後代子孫 |
de (down) + scend (climb), 「向下爬」是什麼意思呢?這意象可以有「(飛機)降落、 (地形)下降 、(人)向下走」等意思,也衍生出「(某氣氛)籠罩(某處)」之意。
那麼,名詞descent (n)的意思呢?除了承接動詞「降落、 向下走」的意思,還演變出有抽象的「墮落」之意。
另外還有「後代血脈」的意思,這就需要想像一下一個家族族譜(family tree)一路往下走的畫面就比較能夠理解。而延續descent (n) 有後代血脈這意思,就不難理解descendant (n) 有「後代子孫」的意思了。
E.g.1: Our plane started to descend.「我們的飛機開始下降。」
E.g.2: I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.「我聽見他腳步下樓的聲音。」
E.g.3: Total silence descended on the room.「房間全然靜默。」
E.g.4: The descent to Base Camp took about two days.「一路下切到基地營區需要兩天時間」
E.g.5: Unsurprisingly, given its director, the film will be a psychological thriller that focuses on a man's descent into madness.
E.g.6: The emperor claimed descent from David.「這皇帝宣稱他是大衛王的後代血脈。」
E.g.7: The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.
字首de: completely(全然地)
dedicate [ˋdɛdə͵ket] (v) 奉獻、 付出 dedication [͵dɛdəˋkeʃən] (n) 奉獻、 付出 |
de (completely) + dic (say), 「全然地說」的意思是?想像一個人對於一個理念說得慷慨激昂,全然投入的模樣,那是什麼意思呢?意即「奉獻、 付出」。名詞為dedication (n)
E.g.1: The actress now dedicates herself to children’s charity work.
= The actress is now dedicated to children’s charity work.
E.g.2: We appreciate your dedication to our administration and your help at a time when needed.
deceive [dɪˋsiv] (v) 欺騙 deception [dɪˋsɛpʃən] (n) = deceit [dɪˋsit] (n) 欺騙 deceptive [dɪˋsɛptɪv] (adj.) = deceitful [dɪˋsitfəl] (adj.) 欺騙的 |
de (completely) + cei (take 抓), 「全然地抓」是什麼意思?想像把一個人的心思全然抓在手上是什麼意思呢?就是可以「欺騙」這個人,誘導他做某些你想要他做的事吧?衍生出來的名詞有兩個deception (n)或deceit (n)都是「欺騙」之意。形容詞也是兩個:deceptive (adj.)跟deceitful (adj.)
E.g.1: He tried to deceive the public into thinking the war could still be won.
E.g.2: He was convicted of obtaining money by deception.「他因為欺騙取財罪名被定罪。」
E.g.3: His political opponents have accused him of corruption and deceit.「他的政敵指控他貪污及欺騙。」
E.g.4: I know appearances can be deceptive, but Jeffrey didn't seem like a wife-beater.
E.g.5: The company has engaged in deceitful practices for years.
衍生閱讀: cei (take 抓)這字根可參考 V32-02字根cap, cip, cei, cep的英文單字有哪些? 一次學會字根cap, cip, cei, cep的英文單字
declaim [dɪˋklem] (v) 慷慨陳詞 declamation [͵dɛkləˋmeʃən] (n) 慷慨陳詞 |
de (completely) + claim (cry out), 「全然地大叫」這意象還滿直觀的,就是「慷慨陳詞」之意。名詞為declamation (n)
E.g.1: Liam sprang onto a table, raised a glass, and began to declaim a speech.
E.g.2: He subjected us to half an hour of impassioned declamation against the new airport runway
衍生閱讀:claim (cry out)這字根可參考V32-04 字根系列 clam, claim: cry out (呼叫、 大叫)
字首de: down
depress [dɪˋprɛs] (v) 使(人)沮喪/使(經濟)表現不佳 depression [dɪˋprɛʃən] (n) 沮喪 憂鬱/ 經濟大蕭條/ 地面凹處/ (氣象)低氣壓 |
deduce [dɪˋdjus] (v) 推論 演繹 deduction [dɪˋdʌkʃən] (n) 推論 演繹 deductive [dɪˋdʌktɪv] (adj.) 推論的 演繹的 |
deposit [dɪˋpɑzɪt] (v) 付預付款 訂金/ 存款/ 沉積 沉澱 (n) 預付款 訂金/ 存款 /沉積物 |
descend [dɪˋsɛnd] (v) (飛機) 降落、 (地形)下降 、(人) 向下走/ (某氣氛)籠罩(某處) descent [dɪˋsɛnt] (n) 降落、 向下走/ 墮落/ 後代血脈 descendant [dɪˋsɛndənt] (n) 後代子孫 |
字首de: completely
dedicate [ˋdɛdə͵ket] (v) 奉獻、 付出 dedication [͵dɛdəˋkeʃən] (n) 奉獻、 付出 |
deceive [dɪˋsiv] (v) 欺騙 deception [dɪˋsɛpʃən] (n) = deceit [dɪˋsit] (n) 欺騙 deceptive [dɪˋsɛptɪv] (adj.) = deceitful [dɪˋsitfəl] (adj.) 欺騙的 |
declaim [dɪˋklem] (v) 慷慨陳詞 declamation [͵dɛkləˋmeʃən] (n) 慷慨陳詞 |
Exercises: 請選出正確答案
1. The corporation’s profits have already been ______ by the economic recession for a couple of years.
(A) deceived (B) descended (C) depressed (D) declaimed
2. The city has never officially acknowledged the losses of the displaced residents and their ________.
(A) descents (B) descendants (C) deceits (D) deductions
3. Darwin's observations led him to ______ that plants and animals could adapt to their surroundings.
(A) deduce (B) declaim (C) depress (D) dedicate
4. Spurred by the horrors he witnessed in war, Cheshire ________ his life to caring for others after it was over.
(A) depressed (B) deposited (C) deceived (D) dedicated
5. Car rental firms may ask you to pay a _______ in advance.
(A) deposit (B) declaim (C) dedication (D) depression