V32 基本字根

V32-07 英文字根duc, duct: lead有哪些單字?抓準核心搞懂英文字根duc, duct: lead

英文字根duc, duct: lead有哪些?抓準核心搞懂英文字根duc, duct: lead


高中英文單字裡duc, duct拼法算常見,且其相關單字都是高頻單字,或常會有一字多義的狀況出現,不算好學的單字但又常見

故本文日光英文就特別從英文字根duc, duct的意思切入,把這些因共享同一字根而拼法看起來很像的英文單字一次整理清楚


英文字根duc, duct的本意是「lead (引導)」, 就抓緊這核心概念,一起來多背單字吧~


字根duc, duct #1: con + duct

conduct [ kənˋdʌkt ] (v) 1. 做調查、實驗、活動或訪談 

                                      2. 指揮(樂團)

                                      3. 引導(某人入席等)

                                      4. 傳導(電或熱等)

               ​​ [ˋkɑndʌkt]  (n) 行為舉止

conduction  [ kənˋdʌkʃən ] (n) (電或熱等)傳導

(together) + duct (lead) ,此動詞的核心意象是把某些人或東西引導在一起,這意象可以用在四種情境:

(1) 做調查、實驗、活動或訪談 

(2) 指揮(樂團) 

(3) 引導(某人入席等)

(4) 傳導(電或熱等)




E.g.1: We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.


E.g.2: Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?


E.g.3: They conducted a campaign of bombings and assassinations.


E.g.4: The interview was conducted in English.


E.g.5: The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.


E.g.6: Aluminium, being a metal, readily conducts heat.


E.g.7: On arrival, I was conducted to the commandant’s office.


E.g.8: The metal spoon became hot due to the conduction of heat from the boiling water.


另外,conduct又可以當作名詞用,發音重音變成在第一音節,取「行為舉止」之意。這意思跟「引導在一起」有關係嗎?日光想不出來關聯性,只能說要硬背了 ^^;;

E.g.: There are strict rules that regulate lawyers’ professional conduct.


補充閱讀:con字首開頭的單字有很多,想瞭解更多的,詳見V31-03 字首co, col, com, con, cor的英文單字有哪些?一次學會字首co, col, com, con, cor的相關英文單字


字根duc, duct #2: de + duc

deduce [ dɪˋdjus ] (v) 歸納演繹(出某結論)

deduction [ dɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 歸納演繹

deductive [ dɪˋdʌktɪv ] (adj.) 歸納演繹的

V31-05字首de:down/ completely 英文單字有多少?
/ V31-06 字首de, di(s):away, off/  not 英文單字有多少?
有提到de這字首共有四種意思:down, completely, away跟not.  這邊我們取down的意思,那麼de (down) + duce (lead),「向下引導」是什麼意思呢?想像一下我們讀了一些資料或取得一些資訊後,繼續向下思考是什麼意思呢?就是「歸納演繹」出某結論囉。此動詞衍生出來的名詞為deduction,形容詞為deductive. 

E.g.1: Darwin's observations led him to deduce that plants and animals could adapt to their surroundings.


E.g.2: Through careful deduction, the detective was able to identify the suspect based on the clues left at the scene.


E.g.3: The lawyer applied deductive reasoning to prove that the suspect had no alibi.



字根duc, duct #3: de + duct 

deduct [ dɪˋdʌkt    ] (v) 扣除、 減掉

deduction [ dɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 扣除(額)、減掉(額)

deductible  [ dɪˋdʌktəb! ] (adj)   可扣除的                        

                                     (n) (薪資)扣除額/ (保險)保險公司免賠額/ 保險人自付額

這次又是取de字首囉,但這次是取其away之意。de( away) + duct (lead),「把一個東西引導走」是什麼意思呢?請想像把一個數字從另外一個數字上扣除的意象,就是「扣除 減掉」之意囉。

名詞為deduction意思可為不可數名詞,表抽象意涵的「扣除、 減掉」,也可以是可數名詞的「扣除額、 減掉額」(這拼法有沒有很熟悉?沒錯,就是跟上一組單字裡的名詞「歸納演繹」為同一個單字,故此單字算一字多義囉). 

而衍生出來的形容詞deductible意思為「可扣除的」, 其本身也可以當名詞用,變成「(薪資)扣除額」或是「(保險)保險公司免賠額/ 保險人自付額」。

E.g.1: The payments will be deducted from your salary.


E.g.2: After deductions for tax etc, your salary is about £700 a month.


E.g.3: Only 80% of dining and entertainment costs are deductible as a business expense.


E.g.4: You can get insurance for your pet for a premium of $97.50 a year, with a $50 deductible.



字根duc, duct #4: e + duc

educate [ ˋɛdʒə͵ket ] (v) 教育

education [ ɛdʒʊˋkeʃən ] (n) 教育

educational [ ɛdʒʊˋkeʃən!  ] (adj.) 教育的 

e (out) + duct (lead),「引導出來」,想像人們受教育後是不是可以把自己的潛力引導出來,例如變得更聰明或是學會更多解決問題的方式?故此動詞有「教育」之意,名詞為education,形容詞則為educational. 

E.g.1: We need to educate people so that they understand the importance of a good, healthy diet.


E.g.2: All parents want a good education for their children.


E.g.3: Low-income children do not have the same educational opportunities as children from wealthier families.


補充說明:關於e-, ex-字首的運用,有興趣的夥伴可以詳見V31-07 字首e, ex: out 英文單字有多少?一次掌握字首e, ex: out 英文單字

字根duc, duct #5: intro + duc

introduce [ ɪntrəˋdjus ] (v)  介紹(人)/ 引進(物)

introduction [ ɪntrəˋdʌkʃən   ] (n) 介紹/ 引進

introductory [ ɪntrəˋdʌktərɪ] (adj.) 介紹的

intro (in) + duc (lead) 「引導進來」是什麼意思呢?想像將一個人「引導進來」到另外一個人的交際圈裡,意思就是「介紹(某人)」,而如果是想像將一個東西「引導進來」一個市場,就是「引進(某物)」的意思囉。而名詞為introduction一樣是「介紹/ 引進」兩個意思,但形容詞為introductory只取一個意思「介紹的」。

E.g.1: May I introduce myself? My name is Meg Johnson.


E.g.2: The store has introduced a new range of food for children.


E.g.3: Pete, are you going to make the introductions?


E.g.4: Since its introduction two years ago, the game has outsold all its competitors.


E.g.5: An introductory course is provided for students who have not previously studied Biology at these levels.



字根duc, duct #6: pro + duc 

produce [ prəˋdjus ] (v) 生產

               [ ˋprɑdjus ] (n) 農產品

product [ ˋprɑdəkt ] (nC) 產品

production [ prəˋdʌkʃən ] (nU) 生產

productive [ prəˋdʌktɪv ] (adj.) 有生產力的

productivity [ prodʌkˋtɪvətɪ ]  (n) 生產力

pro (forward) + duc (lead),「引導向前」,想像工廠裡一條輸送帶上產品不斷地被引導向前輸送著,表示什麼呢?表示這家工廠正在「生產」東西囉~但這個動詞produce如果當作名詞用,重音放在第一音節,且意思變成「農產品」唷~

扣緊produce這動詞,可以演變出來兩款名詞:可數的「產品」product,以及強調抽象過程,意思為 「生產」production. 


E.g.1: New drugs are producing remarkable results.


E.g.2: The hotel grows its own produce and its wines are highly recommended.


E.g.3: The London factory assembles the finished product.


E.g.4: Toshiba is increasing production of its popular line of laptop computers.


E.g.5: Fertilizers make the land more productive


E.g.6: Strong manufacturing productivity growth reduced the number of manufacturing workers needed.



字根duc, duct #7: re + duc 

reduce [ rɪˋdjus ] (v) 減少   

reduction [ rɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 減少

re字首有兩個意思:back「反向、 回去」或是again「再次」,這邊取back之意。re (back) + duc (lead),「引導回去」想像一個數字被拉回去原本的樣子是什麼意思呢?就是「減少」囉~故動詞reduce為「減少」之意,名詞為reduction.

E.g.1: The helmet law should reduce injuries in motorcycle accidents.


E.g.2: The company promised they would make no staff reductions for at least two years.



字根duc, duct #8: se + duc 

seduce [ sɪˋdjus ] (v)    誘拐、 勾引(某人)

seduction [ sɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 誘拐、 勾引(某人)

seductive [ sɪˋdʌktɪv ] (adj.) 誘拐的、 勾引的

se (away) + duc (lead) 「引導走」,把什麼引導走呢?想像一個人不懷好意地將另外一個人勾引走的畫面,故此動詞本意就是「誘拐、 勾引(某人)」之意。名詞為seduction, 形容詞seductive。

E.g.1: She had been seduced by a man who deserted her and went off to sea.


E.g.2: The story describes the seduction of a young girl by a middle-aged professor.


E.g.3: From across the room, I noticed that Philip was giving me a seductive stare.



字根duc, duct總結

本文已列出常用的字根duc, duct單字,其訣竅是緊抓住「引導(lead)」這意象,再搭配不同字根的意思,去做出不同情境的想像。不知道你的想像力能說服你這些單字的意思嗎?如果可以的話,這樣的字首字根記憶法就可以幫助到你。以下做個總結~

本文提到的單字共 24 個,整理如下:

conduct [ kənˋdʌkt ] (v) 1. 做調查、實驗、活動或訪談 

                                      2. 指揮(樂團)

                                      3. 引導(某人入席等)

                                      4. 傳導(電或熱等)

               ​​ [ˋkɑndʌkt]  (n) 行為舉止

conduction  [ kənˋdʌkʃən ] (n) (電或熱等)傳導

deduce [ dɪˋdjus ] (v) 歸納演繹(出某結論)

deduction [ dɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 歸納演繹

deductive [ dɪˋdʌktɪv ] (adj.) 歸納演繹的

deduct [ dɪˋdʌkt    ] (v) 扣除、 減掉

deduction [ dɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 扣除(額)、減掉(額)

deductible  [ dɪˋdʌktəb! ] (adj)   可扣除的                        

                                       (n) (薪資)扣除額/ (保險)保險公司免賠額/ 保險人自付額

educate [ ˋɛdʒə͵ket ] (v) 教育

education [ ɛdʒʊˋkeʃən ] (n) 教育

educational [ ɛdʒʊˋkeʃən!  ] (adj.) 教育的

introduce [ ɪntrəˋdjus ] (v)  介紹(人)/ 引進(物)

introduction [ ɪntrəˋdʌkʃən   ] (n) 介紹/ 引進

introductory [ ɪntrəˋdʌktərɪ] (adj.) 介紹的

produce [ prəˋdjus ] (v) 生產

               [ ˋprɑdjus ] (n) 農產品

product [ ˋprɑdəkt ] (nC) 產品

production [ prəˋdʌkʃən ] (nU) 生產

productive [ prəˋdʌktɪv ] (adj.) 有生產力的

productivity [ prodʌkˋtɪvətɪ ]  (n) 生產力

reduce [ rɪˋdjus ] (v) 減少   

reduction [ rɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 減少

seduce [ sɪˋdjus ] (v)    誘拐、 勾引(某人)

seduction [ sɪˋdʌkʃən ] (n) 誘拐、 勾引(某人)

seductive [ sɪˋdʌktɪv ] (adj.) 誘拐的、 勾引的


字根duc, duct練習題
Exercises: 請選出正確答案

1. The professor will __________ an important experiment in the lab tomorrow.

(A) conduct    (B) deduct    (C) produce     (D) reduce

2. The company announced a __________ in prices to attract more customers.
(A) deduction   (B) production   (C) reduction    (D) seduction

3. The conference featured several ___________ workshops on teaching strategies.

(A) deductible   (B) educational  (C) seductive   (D) deductive

4. The ___________ of the new software has streamlined our workflow significantly.

(A) production    (B) deduction   (C) conduction   (D) introduction

5. Implementing flexible work hours has greatly improved employee _________.

(A) produce    (B) reduction    (C) deduction   (D) productivity

如果還是有問題的話,也歡迎私訊我們的臉書粉專IG帳號,我們會盡快回覆。祝您英文學習愉快囉 :)