V32 基本字根

V32-05 字根系列 clud, clus: close 「關閉」一次輕鬆學會!

V32-05 字根系列 clud, clus: close 「關閉」一次輕鬆學會!


高中時代背英文單字時,有沒有遇過include, conclusion, exclusive等單字,隱隱約約覺得它們長得滿像的,意思好像也有相關,但又說不出個所以然?

沒有錯唷~這種感覺其來有自,因為這些單字的確都跟字根clud, clus有關係,因此本篇文章日光英文將與大家分享字根系列clud,clus該如何使用!



-clud, -clus源自於某拉丁文意思為close 「關閉」的動詞。此字根可以衍生出上面提到的三組高中高頻單字,以及兩組難度較高算7000單等級的單字。另外,本文將結合詞類變化跟朗文或劍橋字典例句,幫助各位加深對這些單字的印象,不只求理解好背,還強化字彙使用力唷~

con (together) + clude (close): 關在一起?什麼意思?想像一下把一堆找到的證據或事實「關在一起」會發生什麼事呢?答案是「下結論」。

conclude  [kənˋklud] (vt, vi) 下結論

conclusion [kənˋkluʒən] (nC/U) 結論

conclusive  [kənˋklusɪv] (adj.) 決定性的(可以幫忙下出結論的)

E.g.1: The report concluded that the school should be closed immediately.



E.g.2: I soon came to the conclusion that she was lying.


E.g.3: It is still too early to reach a conclusion on this point.


E.g.4: There are perhaps two main conclusions to be drawn from the above discussion.


E.g.5: It’s important not to jump to conclusions.


E.g.6: The investigation failed to provide any conclusive evidence.


衍生閱讀:con開頭的單字有好多~詳見V31-03字首co, col, com, con, cor的英文單字有哪些?一次學會字首co, col, com, con, cor的相關英文單字

ex (out) + clude (close): 關起來,又有out的意思?想像一下把一個地方關起來,叫別人出去,不讓進是什麼概念?就是「排除」囉~

exclude  [ɪkˋsklud] (vt) 排除

exclusion  [ɪkˋskluʒən] (nC/U) 排除

exclusive  [ɪkˋsklusɪv] (adj.) 專屬的(因為都把別人排除在外了)

E.g.1: The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly obtained.


E.g.2: However, technological advances also require workers and managers to keep updating their skills or risk exclusion from the labour market.


E.g.3: Our firm has an exclusive contract to handle the company’s legal affairs.


in (in) + clude (close): 把東西都關進來,什麼意思呢?亦即「包含」。

include  [ɪnˋklud] (vt) 包含

inclusion [ɪnˋkluʒən]  (nC/U) 包含

inclusive [ɪnˋklusɪv]  (adj.)包含在內的/ 包容性強的



E.g.1: Service is included in the bill. 


E.g.2: Would you include a mobile phone on your list of essentials?


E.g.3: His inclusion in the team has caused controversy.


E.g.4: The rent is £120 a week, inclusive of heating.


(補充:這邊的,inclusive of heating = ,including heating =, heating included 這三個用法是一些高中英文段考愛考的題目:p)

E.g.5: Not everyone shares his vision of an inclusive America.


re (back) + clude (close): 把自己關起來,回去某個地方?可能那地方是個心歸屬之處?這種人就是「隱士」

recluse [rɪˋklus] (nC) 隱士

reclusive  [rɪˋklusɪv] (adj.) 隱居的

E.g.1: She became a recluse after her two sons were murdered.


E.g.2: She became increasingly
reclusive after the tragedy.



se(away) + clude (close): 關起來,遠離其他東西?這意思就是「隔絕 隔離」

seclude [sɪˋklud] (vt) 隔絕 隔離

seclusion [sɪˋkluʒən] (nU) 隔絕 隔離

secluded  [sɪˋkludɪd] (adj.) 與世隔絕的

E.g.1: Typically, the bride would seclude herself in another room.


E.g.2: He preferred to stay at home in seclusion.


E.g.3: He’s 80 years old now and lives a very secluded life.



字根-clud, -clus總結 (共14個單字)

conclude  [kənˋklud] (vt, vi) 下結論

conclusion [kənˋkluʒən] (nC/U) 結論

conclusive  [kənˋklusɪv] (adj.) 決定性的(可以幫忙下出結論的)

exclude  [ɪkˋsklud] (vt) 排除

exclusion  [ɪkˋskluʒən] (nC/U) 排除

exclusive  [ɪkˋsklusɪv] (adj.) 專屬的(因為都把別人排除在外了)

include  [ɪnˋklud] (vt) 包含

inclusion [ɪnˋkluʒən]  (nC/U) 包含

inclusive [ɪnˋklusɪv]  (adj.)包含在內的/ 包容性強的

recluse [rɪˋklus] (nC) 隱士

reclusive  [rɪˋklusɪv] (adj.) 隱居的

seclude [sɪˋklud] (vt) 隔絕 隔離

seclusion [sɪˋkluʒən] (nU) 隔絕 隔離

secluded  [sɪˋkludɪd] (adj.) 與世隔絕的

-clud, -clus練習題:

1. The new law protects most workers, but _______ those on part-time contracts.

(A) concludes    (B) excludes    (C) includes     (D) including

2. They stayed at a friend's beach house and enjoyed ten days of peace and _______.

(A)conclusion   (B) inclusion    (C) recluse     (D) seclusion

3. We had ________ use of the house while he was away. Only we could use it. 

(A) conclusive    (B) exclusive    (C) inclusive    (D) reclusive

4. He had been a ________, completely isolated from the world, for the last ten years.

(A) exclusion   (B) seclusion   (C) recluse    (D) inclusion

5. Our aim is to create a fairer, more _______ society.

(A) inclusive    (B) conclusive    (C) exclusive    (D) reclusive
